Sangfroid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Sangfroid meaning and definition in real context with images at LELB Society

Sangfroid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam as a French word in English in authentic short passages to improve your reading comprehension and expand your academic vocabulary /ˌsƃˈfwɑː/ (noun) Definition the ability to stay calm in the face of difficult problems, dangerous situations or crises, composure, calmness, equanimity, equilibrium, self-control, self-possession, …

Nonchalant – Definition & Synonyms in Real Context with Images

Definition of Nonchalant in real context with images

Definition of Nonchalant in real context with synonyms, antonyms and illustrations for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass You exam /ˈnɒn.tʃəl.ənt/ US /ˌnɑːn.ʃəˈlɑːnt/ (adj) Definition casually cool and relaxed, casually calm, indifferent, unflappable, carefree, composed, imperturbable, unconcerned, disimpassioned, blasé, as cool as a cucumber Example …

Definition of Dispassionate in Real Context

Definition of Dispassionate in real context with authentic examples at LELB Society for 601 Words You Need to Know

Definition of Dispassionate in authentic context with real examples and synonyms clearly illustrated for advanced ESL learners /dɪˈspæʃ.ən.ət/ (adj) Definition calm and relaxed and therefore able to make sound decisions, detached, neutral, colorless, unemotional, imperturbable, impartial, impassive, serene, not influenced by strong or intense emotions, self-possessed, unperturbed, composed Example Stress is a normal part of …

Impervious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Impervious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Impervious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard ɪmˈpɜː.vi.əs/ (adj) Definition describing a person who is not influenced or affected easily, untouched, insensitive, invulnerable, unaffected, insusceptible, indifferent, imperturbable, immune – impossible to penetrate, impenetrable, impassable, resistant, impermeable, hermetic, impregnable, watertight Example Make a splash! There is no weather that can make your children stay at home. See our wide …

Stolid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Stolid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Stolid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈstɒl.ɪd/ (adj) Definition calm and imperturbable, unemotional, unexcitable, insensitive, cool, carefree, indifferent, apathetic, stoic, emotionless, phlegmatic, unresponsive, unconcerned, impassive, as cool as a cucumber, placid, dull Example The starting point of staying calm and sometimes stolid under pressure is for you to refuse to react automatically and unthinkingly. Instead, take a …

Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1

Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1 Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1 /ˌɪm.pəˈtɜː.bə.bļ/ US /-pɚˈtɝː-/ (adj) staying calm and controlled in the face of problems, unable to be upset, self-possessed, self-controlled, relaxed, even-tempered, placid, unperturbed, unflappable, composed, steady, serene, unruffled We have great admiration for those who keep their …