Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈsteɪ.sɪs/ (noun) Definition a condition or state that does not change, inertia, static situation or condition, stagnation, standstill, status quo, equilibrium, motionless state, immobility, balance, continuity, poise, motionlessness, stillness, equipoise, stability Example So when we find ourselves in the doldrums of life, we must understand where this feeling is coming from.…

Lassitude 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 3

lassitude LELB Society

Lassitude 1100 Words You Need Lassitude 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈlæs.ɪ.tjuːd/ (noun) mental or physical tiredness, apathy, lethargy, weariness, exhaustion, fatigue, listlessness, inertia, ennui, inactivity, torpor Autoimmune Fatigue “Persistent tiredness, or lassitude, is common in…

Torpid – English Flashcard for Torpid with Synonyms

Torpid - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Torpid Torpid /ˈtɔː.pɪd/ (adj) lacking physical or mental energy, sluggish, lazy, languid, sleepy, dreamy, apathetic, stagnant, lethargic: Torpid in context Everyone has a torpid mind when they stay within their comfort zone. The moribund organization is recognizable by its torpid employees. Torpid people who act as a brake on any collaborative effort make me a nervous wreck. Antonyms energetic, vivacious…

Habits – IELTS Speaking Practice

IELTS Speaking Practice on Habits IELTS Speaking Practice on Habits Key Words: habits, habit formation, tendency, addiction, obsession, etc. Questions about habit formation How many days do you need to change your habits? What type of challenges are more likely to stick while trying to change your habits? What should you do to reinforce your…