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Quiescent GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Quiescent GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Quiescent GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /kwiˈes.ənt/ (adj) Definition dormant and inactive temporarily, inert, latent, at rest, passive, stagnant, inoperative, sluggish, motionless, idle, quiet, deactivated, immobile Example There’s a lot of conflicting information about whether or not turtles hibernate or go quiescent, and just like the argument about squirrels, it all comes down to the type of…

Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Stasis GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈsteɪ.sɪs/ (noun) Definition a condition or state that does not change, inertia, static situation or condition, stagnation, standstill, status quo, equilibrium, motionless state, immobility, balance, continuity, poise, motionlessness, stillness, equipoise, stability Example So when we find ourselves in the doldrums of life, we must understand where this feeling is coming from.…

Stationary – English Flashcard for Stationary for IELTS

Stationary - English Flashcard for Stationary - LELB Society

Stationary Stationary (adj) /ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/ US /-ʃə.ner-/ fixed in place, motionless, immobile, unchanging, inactive, static, inert, at a standstill, still, fixed, unmoving Having got a divorce, I experienced a stationary phase in my life lasting for 2 years. Antonyms: moving, dynamic Noun: station

Stagnant – English Flashcard for Stagnant with Synonyms

Stagnant - English Flashcard for Stagnant - LELB Society

Stagnant Stagnant (adj) /ˈstæg.nənt/ not moving or developing – stale due to lack of motion – stationary – motionless – immobile – inactive – sluggish – dormant – inert – moribund: Due to the current recession, our economy has become more or less stagnant.