Vociferous Definition in Context with Image

Vociferous definition in real context with synonyms

Vociferous definition in real context and short passages with images for deep learning to improve your reading skills and advanced vocabulary with illustrations and text-to-speech. Learn the word, vociferous, in authentic examples. /vəˈsɪf.ər.əs/ (adj) Vociferous definition (of people) shouting and yelling repeatedly and noisily especially to show complaints, loud, voluble, clamorous, raucous Example I’ve lived …

Fortissimo 601 Words You Need to Know

Fortissimo 601 Words You Need to know at LELB Society

Fortissimo 601 Words You Need to Know /fȯr-‘ti-sə-ˌmō/ (noun, adj & adv) Definition (esp of music) loudly or extremely loud, loud piece of music, vociferous, raucous, forceful Example Some instruments are naturally louder than others – for instance, a tuba playing piano will likely be louder than a guitar playing fortissimo, while a high-pitched instrument …

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈtɔː.dri/ (adj) Definition superficially attractive but low in quality, meretricious, of inferior quality, shabby, gaudy, tasteless, flashy, glaring, loud, showy, flamboyant, garish, trashy, crude Example Flamboyant Clothing is an up and coming label for fashion. We want to promote self confidence in young people, in our very own ‘flamboyant’ way, through …

Orotund GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Orotund GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Orotund GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /’ȯr-ə-ˌtənd/ (adj) Definition (of a voice or tone) strong, clear and loud, deep and robust, stentorian, ringing – pompous, bombastic, grandiloquent, magniloquent, self-important, wordy, aureate, verbose, flowery, declamatory, sonorous, long-winded Example How do we know the difference between pride and arrogance? After dealing with an arrogant and orotund person, we do …

Crescendo GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Crescendo GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Crescendo GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /krɪˈʃen.dəʊ/ (noun) Definition (of music) an increase in loudness or volume, gradual increase in force or volume, intensification, climax, peak, increase, upsurge, acme, swelling, capstone, buildup, culmination, loudening, meridian Example Music rarely remains at one consistent volume throughout an entire piece of music. A symphonic piece may be loud at the …

Audible 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

audible LELB Society

Audible 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 /ˈɔː.dɪ.bļ/ (adj) that can be heard easily, able to be heard, clear, loud and clear, distinct, noticeable, detectable, perceptible, hearable, discernible I have an ASUS that is about 3 years old. The sound on it is barely audible. I ran the troubleshooter in control panel and got no …

Stentorian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Stentorian

stentorian LELB Society

Stentorian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Stentorian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /stenˈtɔː.ri.ən/ US /-ˈtɔːr.i-/ (adj) Stentorian definition using a very loud voice, or (of a voice) very loud, shrill, piercing, loud, powerful, booming, thunderous, deafening, earsplitting, roaring: Example The stentorian voice of the conductor echoed through the grand hall, commanding the attention of every musician in the orchestra. …

Strident – English Flashcard for Strident for IELTS

Strident - English Flashcard for Strident - LELB Society

Strident Strident (adj) /ˈstraɪ.dənt/ forcefully and strongly expressed – loud and shrill – piercing and harsh – vociferous – persuasive – noisy: Strident in context So much strident and acrimonious criticism was directed at the press secretary for practicing plagiarism. The debate grew increasingly heated, with one participant’s strident voice cutting through the room. His …