Disconsolate Definition & Synonyms from 601 Words

Disconsolate definition and synonyms in real context

Disconsolate definition and synonyms with illustrations for GRE & SAT candidates used in real context and examples. Practice reading and listening comprehension with the word, disconsolate, from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. /dɪˈskɒnt.səl.ət/ (adj) Disconsolate definition extremely disappointed and sad, morose, despondent, dejected, depressed, dispirited, sorrowful, gloomy, dismal,…

Definition of Dolorous with Real Examples in Context

Definition of dolorous with real examples in context with images for advanced English learners at LELB Society

Definition of dolorous with real examples and images together with synonyms and antonyms for advanced learners of English /ˈdɒl.ər.əs/ (adj) Definition sad or saddening, causing emotional suffering, painful and mournful, lamentable, grievous, dire, deplorable, calamitous, doleful, regrettable, feeling great distress Example If your child is sad, you’re probably feeling concerned. Sad children may cry, pout,…

Saturnine 601 Words You Need to Know

Saturnine 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Saturnine 601 Words You Need to Know /ˈsæt.ə.naɪn/ (adj) Definition morose and melancholy, gloomy, somber, unfriendly, dismal, austere, depressed, surly, dejected, lugubrious, sad, glum, sullen – dark and mysterious Example When your friend looks saturnine, all you want to do is lift their spirits. We’ve got tons of ideas for how to cheer someone up,…

Lachrymose GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Lachrymose GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Lachrymose GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈlæk.rɪ.məʊs/ (adj) Definition sad and crying, tending to cry easily, tearful, easily moved, in tears, maudlin, weepy, sobbing, mournful, dismal, sorrowful, unhappy, teary, doleful Example You could say this world is more connected than it’s ever been. Friends, family, and strangers who live miles apart can communicate instantly thanks to social…

Dismal 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 2

dismal LELB Society

Dismal 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 2 Dismal 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 2 /ˈdɪz.məl/ (adj) hopeless and sad, gloomy, dejected, grim, cheerless, depressed, melancholy, morose, doleful, despondent, dispirited, miserable, wretched, somber – extremely bad, awful, dreary When you need to look sad or dismal in person or during a performance, you have to rely…

Wistful 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 1

Wistful 1100 words you need to know week 45 day 1 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Wistful 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 1 Wistful 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 1 /ˈwɪst.fəl/ (adj) sad and pensive, nostalgic, sad and thinking about something in the past, longing, yearning, melancholy, rueful, regretful, contemplative, reflective, mournful, thoughtful, doleful Sinatra’s September of my Years is an entire album of such songs, a…

Lugubrious 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 4

Lugubrious 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS with flashcards

Lugubrious 1100 Words You Need /luːˈguː.bri.əs/ (adj) sad and depressed, morose, gloomy, mournful, melancholic, somber, doleful, miserable, cheerless, wretched, dismal, downbeat, depressing No such consideration can excuse my difficulty with “lugubrious.” I do recall when I first saw that one. A classmate in high school wrote in my yearbook “The vicissitudes of life are very…

Chagrin 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 2

chagrin LELB Society

Chagrin 1100 Words You Need Chagrin 1100 Words You Need /ˈʃæg.rɪn/ (noun) disappointment or annoyance, especially when caused by a failure or mistake, humiliation, mortification, vexation, embarrassment, irritation, disappointment, sorrow: My children have never shown an interest in music, much to my chagrin. Antonym delight, pleasure, joy, frolic Parts of speech Adjective: chagrined

Dejected – English Flashcard for Dejected for IELTS

Dejected - English Flashcard for Dejected - LELB Society

Dejected Dejected (adj) /dɪˈdʒek.tɪd/ extremely unhappy and disappointed sad, depressed, gloomy, dismal, doleful, despondent: Having lost her favorite job, she looked dejected for an entire week. Antonyms: cheerful, optimistic, jolly, jaunty Adverb: dejectedly Noun: dejectedness Noun: dejection

Morose – English Flashcard for Morose with Examples


Morose Morose /məˈrəʊs/ (adj) gloomy and bad-tempered, unhappy and depressed, downbeat, down in the dumps, miserable, pessimistic, dejected, doleful: Jack seems very morose and gloomy ever since he lost his wife in a car accident. After hearing the news of his friend’s departure, John became morose, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a deep sadness.…