Salutary Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Salutary definition and meaning in context with images and visuals /ˈsæl.jʊ.tri/ (adj) Definition of salutary promoting good health, healthful, salubrious, health-giving useful and beneficial, advantageous, of great value and benefit, valuable, profitable, helpful, productive, worthwhile, constructive Video of salutary Salutary in context A salutary experience is one that has beneficial effects on our well-being, promoting…

The Peasant and the Apple Tree By Aesop

The Peasant and the Apple Tree by Aesop with Vocabulary and Questions for Discussion

The Peasant and the Apple Tree by Aesop for ESL students with a video, list of vocabulary in context, and questions for discussion The Peasant and the Apple Tree is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Video of the Peasant and the Apple Tree Watch this video on YouTube The Peasant and…

Fruitless 1100 Words You Need Week 11 Day 1

Fruitless 1100 Words You Need Week 11 Day 1

Fruitless 1100 Words You Need Fruitless 1100 Words You Need /ˈfruːt.ləs/ (adj) of no value or use, useless, valueless, unproductive, unsuccessful, abortive, in vain, futile, ineffective, unrewarding, wasted: All his concerted attempts to usurp power have been fruitless due to a paucity of managerial expertise. Antonym: fruitful Noun: fruitlessness Adv: fruitlessly French: infructueux Farsi: بی…

Quantity – English Flashcard for Quantity for IELTS

Quantity | English Flashcard for Quantity - LELB Society

Quantity Quantity (noun) /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/ US /ˈkwɑːn.ţə.ţi/ the number or amount of something that could be measured, extent, capacity, amount, magnitude, value, measure, mass A large quantity of the students resort to cramming when it comes to final exams. Antonyms quality Parts of Speech Verb: quantify Noun: quantification Adjective: quantitative Adverb: quantitatively

Merit – English Flashcard for Merit for IELTS

Merit | English Flashcard for Merit - LELB Society

Merit Merit (noun & verb) /ˈmer.ɪt/ noun: good quality – great value – worth – advantage, quality, excellence: The great merit of this software program is that it’s so easy to use. Antonyms disadvantage, worthlessness Parts of Speech Noun: meritocracy Adjective: meritorious Adverb: meritoriously

English Presentation Cryptocurrency and Electronic Commerce

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation Cryptocurrency English Presentation Cryptocurrency Watch this video on YouTube LELB Society’s Lecturer: Arash Handout Provided by the Lecturer What is cryptocurrency, and what is it used for? What is the function of cryptography in eCommerce? Who invented Bitcoin for the first time? What are the major differences between Bitcoin and ordinary banking systems? Elaborate…

Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice

How to enhance emotional intelligence with best practices?

Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Selected Text (below 500 words) Source: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” This famous quote is often attributed to Socrates. But what exactly do you know when you “know yourself?” This blog will reveal 6 elements of self-knowledge that can help you understand…