The Writing on the Wall 1100 Words You Need Week 32

The writing on the wall 1100 words you need to know week 32 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

The Writing on the Wall 1100 Words The Writing on the Wall 1100 Words You Need Week 32 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS used to say that something generally unpleasant is going to happen or something will fail, smell a rat, premonition, warning, omen,…

Succinct 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3

succinct LELB Society

Succinct 1100 Words You Need Succinct 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /səkˈsɪŋkt/ (adj) expressed in a short and terse manner, curt, short, abridged, laconic, brief, to the point, concise, pithy, neat, crisp Keep it short and…

Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3

ambiguous LELB Society

Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /æmˈbɪg.ju.əs/ (adj) having more than just one meaning or interpretation, difficult to understand and elusive, vague, cryptic, confusing, hazy, nebulous, unclear, abstruse, obscure, uncertain, indefinite,…

Venerable 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3

venerable LELB Society

Venerable 1100 Words You Need Venerable 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈven.ər.ə.bļ/ (adj) deserving so much respect because of old age, high position, etc., respectable, dignified, worthy of respect, revered, respected, esteemed, honored, admired We have…

Menial 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3

menial LELB Society

Menial 1100 Words You Need Menial 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈmiː.ni.əl/ (adj) (of a work or job) with low prestige and very boring or tiring, a job that does not require specific skills, unskilled, tedious,…

Trivial 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 2

trivial LELB Society

Trivial 1100 Words You Need Trivial 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 2 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈtrɪv.i.əl/ (adj) unimportant and low in value or quality, insignificant, trifling, paltry, small, inconsequential, insignificant, slight, petty, puny, marginal, frivolous, negligible, minor Getting upset over…

Paltry 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 2

paltry LELB Society

Paltry 1100 Words You Need Paltry 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 2 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈpɔːl.tri/ (adj) trifling and low in quality, inconsiderable, nominal, insignificant, despicable, trivial, worthless, miserable, poor, wretched Mid- and Late-Career Teachers Struggle With Paltry Incomes This…

Ivory Tower 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1

ivory tower LELB Society

Ivory Tower 1100 Words You Need Ivory Tower 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS being raised or living in conditions or settings separated from real-life problems or difficulties, seclusion, isolation, remoteness, academe, academic world An ivory tower…

English Question on Rearing Children for IELTS

English question on rearing children for IELTS & TOEFL at LELB Society with text and voice comment forms asynchronously

English Question on Rearing Children English Question on Rearing Children for IELTS and TOEFL with comments and opinions left by our students to practice writing and grammar in an asynchronous fashion In what ways will you treat (or have you treated) your children differently from the way you were treated? If you’ve already raised children…

Celerity 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1

celerity LELB Society

Celerity 1100 Words You Need Celerity 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /səˈler.ɪ.ti/ (noun) speed, quickness, rapidity, swiftness, alacrity, haste, briskness, hurry, speediness, fastness Doing homework can be both time-consuming and frustrating, and you probably want to…