پرسش چالشی درباره دوران کودکی برای مکالمه فارسی و تمرین نگارش

Childhood Years An English question for discussion at LELB Society with flashcards and selected reading passage

پرسش چالشی درباره دوران کودکی برای کلاس مکالمه فارسی و تمرین نگارش و مقاله نویسی در فارسی در کلاس آنلاین فارسی پرسش چالشی درباره دوران کودکی در کلاس فارسی بعدی، درباره پرسش های زیر، صحبت خواهیم کرد. 1- آیا به نظر شما، کودکان و بچه ها حتما باید از هر گونه ناراحتی در امان باشند …

Polygraph in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & in Context

Definition of Polygraph in visual dictionary with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates at LELB Society

Definition of Polygraph in visual dictionary together with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners. All of the synonyms are also carefully illustrated. /ˈpɒl.ɪ.grɑːf/ US /ˈpɑː.lɪ.græf/ (noun) Definition a special machine as a lie detector used to monitor significant physiological changes in a person such as heartbeat, breathing or pulse …

Exorcise – 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Exorcise from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE candidates

Definition of Exorcise as one of the words of the coursebook, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in context for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English /ˈek.sɔː.saɪz/ US /-sɔːr-/ (verb) Definition (also exorcize) to expel or force out an evil spirit or demon from a possessed person or haunted place …

Inscrutable in Visual Dictionary and Thesaurus with Visual Synonyms

Definition of Inscrutable in visual dictionary with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates

Definition of Inscrutable in visual dictionary with visual synonyms in real context for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners with real examples and antonyms /ɪnˈskruː.tɪ.bļ/ (adj) Definition (especially of people’s expressions) mysterious and difficult to interpret because of not showing emotions or thoughts, unfathomable, enigmatic, cryptic, expressionless, arcane, indecipherable, impassive, unreadable, abstruse, impenetrable, opaque, incomprehensible, …

Demonology – 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Demonology in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE candidates

Definition of Demonology in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in context for advanced ESL learners and also GRE candidates /dē-mə-ˈnä-lə-jē/ (noun) Definition the study of demons and evil spirits Example Demonology is the study of demons. Source of example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Parts of speech Noun: demon Noun: demonologist Adjective: demonic Adjective: …

Conundrum in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms

Definition of Conundrum in Visual Dictionary with real examples and synonyms

Definition of Conundrum in visual dictionary with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam /kəˈnʌn.drəm/ (noun) Definition something which is baffling and confusing, enigma, challenge, mystery, puzzle, difficult and challenging problem, dilemma, quandary a riddle or word puzzle Example When I was researching …

Definition of Arcane in Visual Dictionary with Real Examples

Definition of Arcane in Visual Dictionary at LELB Society with synonyms and antonyms from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of Arcane in Visual dictionary with synonyms, antonyms and illustrations used in authentic context and examples for advanced learners of English /ɑːˈkeɪn/ US /ɑːr-/ (adj) Definition not known by many people, mysterious, difficult to understand, esoteric, clandestine, impenetrable, secret, obscure, covert, opaque, unfathomable, inscribable, recondite, abstruse Example In 1912, Polish-born antiquarian bookseller Wilfrid Michael …

Definition of Alchemy in Real Context with Images

Definition of Alchemy with synonyms and real examples illustrated in our visual dictionary for advanced ESL learners

Definition of Alchemy in real context with images, parts of speech and synonyms for ESL learners with authentic examples and text Definition Example Antonyms Parts of speech /ˈæl.kə.mi/ (noun) Definition an obsolete and unscientific type of chemistry practiced in the Middle Ages which was intended to change or transform base metals like copper into gold …

Who Is an Imperious Person with Images & Examples

Definition of Imperious in Visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms at LELB Society with authentic context

Let’s learn who is an imperious person in our visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms and in real authentic context with images /ɪmˈpɪə.ri.əs/ (adj) Definition overbearing and giving too many orders to others, expecting obedience from others, pushy, bossy, peremptory, imperative, dictatorial, commanding, haughty, authoritarian, authoritative, domineering, high-handed, masterful, arrogant Example An overbearing and imperious …

Definition of Glabrous with Synonyms & Antonyms

Definition of Glabrous in Visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms in real context at LELB Society

Definition of Glabrous in visual dictionary with visual thesaurus in authentic context for advanced English learners and IELTS, TOEFL & GRE candidates /ˈɡleɪbrəs/ (adj) Definition bald and without hair, smooth, hairless Example A deciduous tree that is capable of growing to more than 25 m tall. Canopy is dense and spreading. However, a commonly grown …