Plaudit Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Plaudit definition and meaning in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students

/ˈplɔː.dɪt/ (noun)

Definition of plaudit

expression of praise and approval, applause, positive feedback, acclaim, acclamation, clapping, kudos, appreciation, paean

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Plaudit in context

Narcissists, individuals with an inflated sense of self-importance and a need for constant admiration, often exhibit a peculiar behavior in response to even the most minor forms of praise or acknowledgment. When they receive the slightest plaudits, they have a tendency to dramatically magnify and amplify this applause in their minds. This magnification serves as a means of validating their self-worth and reinforcing their grandiose beliefs.

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The narcissist’s tendency to exaggerate the significance of positive feedback stems from their underlying insecurity and deep-seated fear of rejection. By inflating the praise they receive, they can create a distorted reality in which they are seen as superior and deserving of admiration. This cognitive distortion allows them to maintain a positive self-image, even in the face of contradictory evidence.

Furthermore, the magnification of plaudits serves as a powerful tool for manipulating others. By portraying themselves as highly accomplished and sought-after individuals, narcissists can exert social control and influence. They may use their inflated reputation to gain advantages, exploit others, or maintain toxic relationships.


criticism, disapproval

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