Narcotic – English Flashcard for Narcotic for IELTS

Narcotic - English Flashcard for Narcotic - LELB Society

Narcotic Narcotic (adj & noun) /nɑːˈkɒt.ɪk/ US /nɑːrˈkɑːţ-/ noun: an addictive drug from opium that relieves pain and causes dizziness, drug, medicine, tranquilizing – painkiller: Adjective: interminable, tedious, boring, dull, monotonous, calming The physician prescribed me some narcotic to deal with my acute pain. Antonyms stimulant Parts of Speech Adverb: narcotically

Heir – English Flashcard for Heir for IELTS

Heir - English Flashcard for Heir - LELB Society

Heir Heir (noun) /eəʳ/ US /er/ someone who receives money, property, etc. after the death of another person, beneficiary, recipient, successor, inheritor: Being the only child of the family, Robert was the sole heir to all of Mr. Smith’s property. Parts of speech Noun: heirship Adjective: heirless Antonyms predecessor, precursor

Vandal – English Flashcard for Vandal for IELTS

Vandal - English Flashcard for Vandal - LELB Society

Vandal Vandal (noun) /ˈvæn.dəl/ someone who deliberately damages other people’s property – trespasser – delinquent – criminal – felon, thug: The police arrested several vandals and dispersed the crowd. Parts of speech Noun: vandalism Verb: vandalize

Refrain – English Flashcard for Refrain for IELTS

Refrain - English Flashcard for Refrain - LELB Society

Refrain Refrain (noun & verb) /rɪˈfreɪn/ verb: to hold back from doing something – avoid – stop – desist, cease, hold back, abstain Noun: repeated verse or line in a poem, catch phrase, chorus Please refrain from cheating in the exam. Antonyms persist Parts of speech Noun: refrainment Noun: refrainer

Abide – English Flashcard for Abide for IELTS

Abide - English Flashcard for Abide - LELB Society

Abide Abide (verb) /əˈbaɪd/ to tolerate or withstand something or someone, put up with, accept, endure, tolerate, compromise, stand for, bear, obey, dwell or reside in a place: As a subordinate, she had to abide by the rules imposed by her superior. Antonyms defy Parts of speech Noun: abidance Noun: abider

Unify – English Flashcard for Unify for IELTS

Unify - English Flashcard for Unify - LELB Society

Unify Unify (verb) /ˈjuː.nɪ.faɪ/ to unite and bring together – form a single unit, join, combine, merge, amalgamate, bring together, fuse: We need to bury the hatchet and unify our forces to regain our power. Antonyms separate Parts of speech Noun: unification Noun: unifier Adjective: unifiable Adjective: unifying

Heed – English Flashcard for Heed for IELTS

Heed - English Flashcard for Heed - LELB Society

Heed Heed (noun & verb) /hiːd/ verb: to pay attention to a warning or advice – give serious attention to something, listen to, take note of, notice, attention, note, care, mindfulness: If you had heeded my advice, you wouldn’t have been in trouble now. Antonyms disregard, negligence Parts of speech Adjective: heedful Adjective: heedless Adverb: …

Biography – English Flashcard for Biography for IELTS

Biography - English Flashcard for Biography - LELB Society

Biography Biography (noun) /baɪˈɒg.rə.fi/ US /-ˈɑː.grə-/ the life story of a person written by someone else, life story, life history, life account, profile, autobiography: Albert Einstein’s biography has been written by different authors. Parts of speech Adjective: biographical Noun: biographer

Drench – English Flashcard for Drench for IELTS

Drench - English Flashcard for Drench - LELB Society

Drench Drench (verb) /drentʃ/ to make somebody or something completely wet – soak – wet – saturate – inundate – flood – cover: It was raining cats and dogs, and I got totally drenched. Antonyms dry out Parts of speech Adjective: drenched Adjective: drenching Noun: drencher