English Conversation Class on self-confidence with challenging questions and academic activities for advanced ESL students
Questions about self-confidence
- What is a recent situation where you felt confident in your abilities? What specific skills or strengths helped you feel that way?
- Is there a specific area of your life where you struggle with self-confidence? When faced with a challenge in this area, what negative self-talk typically arises?
- Imagine your most confident self. How would they approach a situation that currently makes you feel anxious? What can you learn from this confident version of yourself?
Related Idioms, Proverbs & Expressions
- Take the wind out of one’s sails: Make somebody feel less confident
- Keep a stiff upper lip: Have the ability to stay calm and confident and hide your feelings in a difficult and upsetting situation
- Throw / pour cold water: Discourage a plan or idea
Related Techniques to boost self-confidence
- If you have doubt in yourself in getting something done, just see if others have done it or not. If a lot of people have done it, it means that you can do it too.
- Always do the things that matter most in your life and you will constantly be confident.
Argue for/against
Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.
Self-esteem takes precedence over self-confidence.
Photo Scanning
Please examine the photo below and try to come up with as many reasons as you can in support of the following statement:
This man is quite confident.
Call for Feedback
Please help us to improve the quality of this class and our online community (LELB Society) by expressing your precious ideas about this question:
Which one of the following is more important to create more interaction in online classes: synchronous communication or asynchronous communication?
Attack your fear, and the death of your fear will be certain. (Emerson)
5. Why having confidence is important?
Grammar Point (Question Form): You need to invert your sentence: Why is …?
The number of your question must be “7”.
6. What would happen to you if you didn’t have enough self-confidence?
5. How can you boost the level of your self-confidence?
4. Have you ever thought about how confident do you seem to others? Why?
Grammar Point (Noun Clause): … how confident you seem to others…
The first part of your question is a yes/no question. The second part (why) does not semantically fit the first part.
By the way, welcome back 🙂
3. Please analyze the word confide etymologically and share your findings with us so that we could have a more vivid understanding of what confidence is all about.
2. Which one is better: diffidence or overconfidence? Why?
1. What differences exist between diffidence, confidence and overconfidence?