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Grievous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Grievous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ˈgriː.vəs/ (adj)


extremely serious and grave, painful, severe, vehement, intense, awful, demanding, dolorous, dreadful, onerous, burdensome, traumatic, dire, calamitous, mortal, agonizing, mournful


Anxiety can be normal and understandable, especially in response to difficult times. But when anxiety becomes crippling, it is destructive and disruptive. Getting treatment is the first step in learning how to manage severe and grievous anxiety. This will set the foundation for being able to cope with this lifelong, chronic mental illness.

Source: https://www.bridgestorecovery.com/



Parts of speech

Adverb: grievously

Noun: grievousness

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