IELTS Listening Practice | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

IELTS Listening Practice | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

IELTS Listening Practice | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

About this activity

  • This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society.
  • This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class.
  • This is a weekly activity, that is, one post with one embedded video for two sessions per week.
  • In this flipped classroom activity, the students are encouraged to utilize the comment form at the bottom of the post to to exchange their questions, findings, and experiences with each other. Later on, we will discuss the asynchronous activities in the class. In a few words, “let’s learn from each other.”

About the Video Files

  • The video files are meticulously selected among the most prominent academicians, lecturers, and scientists based on Google Scholar.
  • We might refer to the exact elapsed time of the video files to pinpoint specific statements, messages, etc.

Writing Activity

  • You should adopt a formal register in your written contributions in the comment form.
  • To give an answer to a question or comment, use the Reply button.
  • In our written activities, we can practice negotiation of meaning (sharing our findings with regard to the selected themes) and negotiation of form (performing peer-reviewed error correction).


  • You should take equal turns in speaking. The maximum amount of time you can have is 60 seconds.
  • You will be stopped if your speech appears to be irrelevant or not supported by evidence.
  • Students leaving comments below will be given priority over others in our informed conversations.

Selected Text

English Conversation on Stress

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, serious accident, war, or violent assault. Individuals with PTSD often relive the traumatic event through flashbacks or nightmares, and they may experience severe anxiety, emotional numbness, and avoidance of situations that remind them of the trauma. PTSD can significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life, but it is treatable with therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and medication. Understanding and support from loved ones also play a crucial role in recovery.

Related Keywords

25 thoughts on “IELTS Listening Practice | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”

  1. one thing that is very important to me is that doctor is very honest .In one part of his speech he said that a man cam in to my office and he had a bad accident and I told that o my God there is nothing that I can do for him. It shows that he is very serious in his profession. I admire him.

  2. In the body of traumatized people, the adrenaline automatically soars rapidly in the face of fear and it declines so late when the source of fear is removed.
    Traumatized people are generally captured in the past. They have an acute sense of shame that sabotages their relationship with other people.

  3. Do you know any trauma therapist? I suppose many people are coping with traumas these days but they do not believe in these methods. How can we internalize these methods?

  4. Most of people experience trauma during their lives. Car accidents, a sudden death of a loved one, and wars, for example. Some people bounce back with resilience under the influence of family members. However, some cannot heal from trauma easily, dealing with distress, fear, depression and so on. As a result, trauma therapists take advantage of different methods to help the victims;
    Group Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Behavior Therapy (exposure therapy is one example of behavior therapy which is really influential for decreasing post traumatic stress.), etc.

    • Excellent!
      For each problem, there must be at least one solution, and this is an integral part of the definition of the word, problem.
      Traumatized people often find it impossible to seek practical solutions to their temporary problems. They desperately need guidance and assistance at the climax of their life crises. For this reason, we should help them to re-find themselves and get back on track.

  5. Thank you so much for this video.
    My view is that delivering a lecture perfectly not only needs a great performance but also enough knowledge. So, I think the performance of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is not that dynamic though he is a well known person in the field of trauma therapy. Also, he is speaking monotonously, making audience bored. Nevertheless, his body language is something which adds color to his lecture.

    1. What is trauma all about?
    2. What does trauma treatment attempt to achieve?
    3. Do you think Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is a native speaker of English?
    4. What is so essential for becoming a trauma therapist?
    5. What’s your idea about the use of body language by the lecturer? (Elapsed time: 6:15)

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