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Imperative 1100 Words You Need Week 24 Day 2

Imperative 1100 Words You Need

Imperative 1100 Words You Need

/ɪmˈper.ə.tɪv/ (adj & noun)

Adjective: extremely important and urgent, vital, necessary, forceful, mandatory, obligatory, compulsory, commanding, crucial, essential, authoritative, bossy, domineering, overbearing

Noun: (grammar) a form of verb in order to give orders, necessity, obligation, compulsion

5 Reasons It’s Imperative to Attend Follow-Up Medical and Mental Health Appointments After an Accident

Car accident injuries are no joke.

There are 20-50 million non-fatal injuries due to car accidents that occur globally each year. Many of these result in long-term disabilities.

Medical and mental health follow-up appointments are important to start your road to recovery and to stop or minimize the possibility of long-term effects.

Here are our top 5 reasons why you should seek therapy and go to your follow-up appointments after an accident.

Source: https://ajtherapycenter.com/

Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant, unnecessary, subservient

Noun: imperativeness

Adverb: imperatively

Farsi: امرانه ، حاکم ، لازم الاجرا، دستور بى چون و چرا، امرى ، دستورى ، حتمى ، الزام اور، ضرورى

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