Lurid 1100 Words You Need
Lurid 1100 Words You Need
/ˈljʊə.rɪd/ (adj)
1. too brightly colored, gaudy, pale, wan, loud, garish, striking, colorful:
That’s a very lurid shade of lipstick she’s wearing.
2. (especially of a description) shocking because involving violence, sex or immoral activity, outrageous, explicit, sensational, vivid:
Responding to the article, Ian Wright, head of the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) UK and Ireland said, despite the lurid headlines, UK vets did have lessons to learn from the discovery – for the first time in the UK – of a male Hyalomma rufipes tick on an untraveled horse.
You can read all the lurid details of the affair in today’s paper.
Antonym: bland, dull, drab
Noun: luridness
Adv: luridly
French: sinistre
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