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Puny 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 1

Puny 1100 Words You Need

Puny 1100 Words You Need

/ˈpjuː.ni/ (adj)

small and weak, ineffective, petite, feeble, frail, thin, inadequate, tiny, undersized, underdeveloped, minor, paltry, trifling, insignificant, nominal, infinitesimal, meager

In a fantastic “QE manual” from the Bruegel think tank, Gregory Claeys, Alvaro Leandro and Allison Mandra do the sums. They reckon Italy will only get a budget boost of 0.07 percent of GDP (i.e. less than one tenth of one percent) from the Banca d’Italia purchases of its sovereign bonds, while (by my calculations based on their paper) the boost for the Euro area as a whole would be only 0.04 percent of GDP. That’s puny.

Source: https://medium.com/

Antonyms: robust, considerable

Noun: puniness

Farsi: ريزه اندام ، ضعيف ، درجه پست ، کوچک ، قد کوتاه

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