Savoir Faire Meaning & Synonyms from 601 Words

Savoir faire meaning and synonyms in our visual dictionary and thesaurus from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with text-to-speech functionality and used in real context for GRE candidates.

/ˌsæv.wɑːˈfeəʳ/ (noun)

Savoir faire meaning

the ability to act appropriately and acceptably in social situations, social adeptness, style, poise, confidence, suavity, know-how, sophistication, urbanity, diplomacy, social skill or grace, tact, tactfulness, delicacy, adroitness


Office parties are meant to give you a chance to wind down. But if you’re smart, you’ll use the occasion as an opportunity to move up.

Hierarchical boundaries are down on these occasions, giving you a chance to mingle with seniors you may not otherwise interact with on a regular basis. You also have a chance to present different facets of your personality to those you work with daily and impress them.

People are usually in a good mood at these events so a little bit of preparation and savoir-faire can go a long way.

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