Microcosm Definition & Meaning in Context

Microcosm definition in real context compared to macrocosm

Microcosm definition and meaning in real context from the coursebook 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for advanced learners of English. Learn microcosm and macrocosm in real context and the relationship between them. /ˈmaɪ.krəʊˌkɒz.əm/ (noun) Microcosm definition a small situation, place, society or system with the components and features very similar …

Component 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 3

Component 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 3 with flashcards for IELTS & TOEFL

Component 1100 Words You Need Component 1100 Words You Need /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ (noun) one of the parts that forms something larger, an element that builds something bigger with the other elements, section, constituent, module, factor, piece, cog: Progressive taxation is a key component of effective fiscal policy. At the top of the income distribution, our research …

Minority – English Flashcard for Minority for IELTS

Minority English Flashcard LELB Society

Minority Minority (adj & noun) /maɪˈnɒr.ɪ.ti/ US /-ˈnɑːr.ə.ţi/ any smaller part, portion or section within a larger group, section, sector, faction, component, subgroup, element Adjective: sectional, marginal, underground, smaller, lesser Only a minority of the entire students could pass the difficult math test. Antonyms majority Parts of Speech Adjective: minor Adverb: minorly