Paradigm Definition & Examples from 601 Words

Paradigm definition and examples in real context

Paradigm definition and examples from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in authentic context with images and illustrations. Listen to any word in this real context and learn vocabulary in context. /ˈpær.ə.daɪm/ (noun) Paradigm definition a clear model or typical example of something, paragon, archetype, epitome, ideal, pattern, exemplar,…

Microcosm Definition & Meaning in Context

Microcosm definition in real context compared to macrocosm

Microcosm definition and meaning in real context from the coursebook 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for advanced learners of English. Learn microcosm and macrocosm in real context and the relationship between them. /ˈmaɪ.krəʊˌkɒz.əm/ (noun) Microcosm definition a small situation, place, society or system with the components and features very similar…

Archetype 601 Words You Need to Know

Archetype 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Archetype 601 Words You Need to Know /ˈɑː.kɪ.taɪp/ (noun) Definition the original model of something or typical example of something, paragon, epitome, typical specimen, prototype, classic, representative, stereotype, embodiment Example What is the archetype of cultural diffusion? The best example or archetype of cultural diffusion is “the Spanish forced Christianity on the Native Americans when…

Precedent 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 3

Precedent 1100 Words you need to know week 30 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Precedent 1100 Words You Need Precedent 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 3 with authentic materials, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for IELTS, GRE & TOEFL /ˈpres.ɪ.dənt/ (noun) a model or example for later decisions or actions, established example or model, pattern, instance, guide, practice, standard, frame or reference There are precedents for such executive…

Paragon 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 4

paragon LELB Society

Paragon 1100 Words You Need Paragon 1100 Words You Need /ˈpær.ə.gən/ (noun) someone or something that is the best example of a particular quality or characteristic, example of excellence, model, epitome, archetype, shining example, paradigm, exemplar, ideal: I will tell you why. So shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king…

Emulate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Emulate

emulate LELB Society

Emulate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Emulate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈem.jʊ.leɪt/ (verb) to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have, imitate, ape, simulate, compete with, vie with, contend with, follow, mimic, model yourself on, pattern yourself after: They hope to emulate the success of other software companies. antonym:…

Conversation 43: Fashion

Coiffure from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Conversation 43: Fashion with questions for English students to have a discussion Relevant Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions, or Quotations on Fashion Go out of fashion: stop being fashionable Fashion industry Fashion sensitive brand loyalty: loyalty to special brands of goods Vogue: mode Questions on fashion and mode Is fashion the same as the exploitation of people…

Instrumental Motivation in SLA | TESL Issues

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

Instrumental motivation in SLA or second language acquisition Instrumental Motivation Instrumental motivation is also a component of Gardner’s socio-educational model; it is important to recognize that it can work in conjunction with, rather than in opposition to, integrative motivation. It refers to the motivation that derives from a perception of the concrete benefits that learning…

Motivation in Second Language Learning

Learn Farsi Online with Native Speakers in Live Classes and Asynchronously

The important factor of motivation in second language learning Motivation in second language learning Gardner’s Socio-Educational Model (with integrative motivation the key construct) was the dominant theory in early motivation research. A social-psychological factor frequently used to account for differential success in learning a second language is motivation. This has an intuitive appeal. It makes…