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Apotheosis Definition in Context – 601 Words

Apotheosis definition in real context with images from 601 Words You Need to Know

Apotheosis definition in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with synonyms and images to achieve deep learning. Improve your advanced vocabulary and practice reading at the same time. /əˌpɒθ.iˈəʊ.sɪs/ (noun) Apotheosis definition the best example of something, the highest level of glory or power, paragon, epitome…

Paradigm Definition & Examples from 601 Words

Paradigm definition and examples in real context

Paradigm definition and examples from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in authentic context with images and illustrations. Listen to any word in this real context and learn vocabulary in context. /ˈpær.ə.daɪm/ (noun) Paradigm definition a clear model or typical example of something, paragon, archetype, epitome, ideal, pattern, exemplar,…

Par Excellence Definition & Synonyms from 601 Words

Par excellence definition and synonyms in real context

Par excellence definition and synonyms in authentic context from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with clear illustrations and images for advanced learners of English together with text-to-speech functionality. /ˌpɑːrˌek.seˈlãːns/ (adj) Par excellence definition (only after nouns) the best example of its kind, paragon, first-class, excellent, superior, of highest…

Definition of Quintessence in Real Context

Definition of quintessence in real context with images at LELB Society from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of Quintessence in authentic or real context with expressive images for ESL / EFL learners with synonyms, antonyms and collocations /kwɪnˈtes.əns/ (noun) Definition the embodiment of something or the purest or most typical example of something, archetype, paragon, epitome, essence, personification, heart, prototype, soul, perfect example, exemplar, stereotype in chemistry: the purest extract or…

The Young Crab and His Mother – English Fairy Tale

The Young Crab and His Mother at LELB Society from Aesop's Fables with a podcast and flashcards to improve vocabulary

The Young Crab and His Mother from Aesop’s Fables with a list of new vocabulary for pre-intermediate students of English and young learners with a podcast The text has been adopted from Gutenberg Project at www.gutenberg.org Watch this video on YouTube. “Why in the world do you walk sideways like that?” said a mother crab…

Paragon 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 4

paragon LELB Society

Paragon 1100 Words You Need Paragon 1100 Words You Need /ˈpær.ə.gən/ (noun) someone or something that is the best example of a particular quality or characteristic, example of excellence, model, epitome, archetype, shining example, paradigm, exemplar, ideal: I will tell you why. So shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king…