Vaccinate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

vaccinate LELB Society

Vaccinate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˈvæk.sɪ.neɪt/ (verb) to give someone a vaccine through injection to prevent a particular disease, inject, immunize, inoculate, jab, protect In our Data Explorer you can see our data on the cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered. This is counted as a single dose, and may not equal…

Practice Reading & Listening on Cancer for IELTS

Practice reading & listening on cancer at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards for IELTS by Mahsa Mohammadi

Practice Reading & Listening on Cancer Practice Reading & Listening on Cancer for IELTS Watch this video on YouTube The genesis of cancer Today cancer causes one in every seven deaths worldwide. But how does cancer start and what is being done to combat it? Our bodies contain trillions of highly specialized cells, and each…

The Last Leaf by O. Henry Learn English with Short Stories

The Last Leaf by O. Henry a great short story to improve your English with flashcards and podcast at LELB Society

The Last Leaf by O. Henry The Last Leaf by O. Henry Available in the public domain through Gutenberg Project In a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called “places.” These “places” make strange angles and curves. One Street crosses itself a time or…

Contagious – English Flashcard for Contagious for IELTS

Contagious - English Flashcard for Contagious - LELB Society

Contagious Contagious (adj) /kənˈteɪ.dʒəs/ that can be transmitted from person to person by contact – transmittable – spreadable – transmissible – infectious: Flu is a common contagious disease, especially in the winter. Adverb: contagiously Noun: contagiousness

Epidemic – English Flashcard for Epidemic for IELTS

Epidemic - English Flashcard for Epidemic - LELB Society

Epidemic Epidemic (adj & noun) /ˌep.ɪˈdem.ɪk/ noun: an outbreak of a disease – a fast-spreading disease, plague – a rapid growth in something – outbreak – outburst – increase – prevalent – widespread: Hundreds of people died on that island due to an epidemic of a viral disease. Antonyms: restricted, decrease Adverb: epidemically

Rabid – English Flashcard for Rabid with Synonyms

Rabid - English Flashcard for Rabid - LELB Society

Rabid Rabid (adj) /ˈræb.ɪd/ having very strong opinions or intense feelings about something – biased – fanatical – extreme – radical – fervent – fervid – ardent – suffering from rabies – infected: Rabid in context A bunch of rabid fanatics have gone on strike to foment rebellion against the new policies of the enterprise.…

English Vocabulary about Health and Disease

Learn Persian Online at LELB Society about healthy body

English Vocabulary about Health and Disease English Vocabulary about Health and Disease Afflict Watch this video on YouTube It is an illness which afflicts women more than men. Cancer He died of liver cancer. Chiropractor Finally, our local chiropractor could treat my chronic backache. Contagious Flu is a common contagious disease, especially in the winter. Cure-all a…

Free English Class on Smoking

Free English Class on Smoking - LELB Society

Free English Class on Smoking Free English Class on Smoking Join our Free English Class for IELTS and TOEFL to practice the 4 skills. This class is 100% free for our members. Click here to join LELB Society in a minute. Video of this free English class on smoking Watch this video on YouTube Why…

Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice

IELTS essay on banning smoking in public places with complete analysis and scoring

Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Krishna Sudhir on TED-Ed Cigarette Smoking IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Cigarette smoking Cigarettes aren’t good for us. That’s hardly news. We’ve known about the dangers of smoking for decades. But how exactly do cigarettes harm us? Let’s look at what…

Physical Health IELTS Listening and Reading Practice

Hypochondria Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Physical Health IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Physical Health IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Selected Text (below 500 words) Source: Benefits of Cold Shower Improves Immunity and Circulation Cold water can improve circulation by encouraging blood to surround our organs, which can then help combat some problems of the skin and heart. As cold water hits the…