English Documentary on Plague with Transcript & Flashcards

English Documentary on Plague with Transcript & Flashcards at LELB Society

English Documentary on Plague with Transcript & Flashcards to perfect your reading and listening abilities and expand your academic and scientific vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Source of image: https://www.express.co.uk/ Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube. Reading comprehension What is plague? Plague is notorious for causing mass sickness and devastation. But as much…

Spate 1100 Words You Need Week 41 Day 3

Spate 1100 words you need to know week 41 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Spate 1100 Words You Need Week 41 Day 3 Spate 1100 Words You Need Week 41 Day 3 /speɪt/ (noun) a countless number of unpleasant events happening simultaneously, large quantity, vast array, series, succession, cluster, run, outbreak, epidemic, string, a sudden flood in a river, rush, torrent, outburst Spate of new research supports wearing masks…

Eruption 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 1

eruption LELB Society

Eruption 1100 Words You Need Eruption 1100 Words You Need /ɪˈrʌp.ʃən/ (noun) Definition the act of bursting out or exploding quickly and suddenly, outburst, upsurge, epidemic, discharge, emission, explosion, sudden release Eruption in context Volcanoes have existed for a long time on Earth, likely causing disasters such as the Permian mass extinction about 250 million…

Rash 1100 Words You Need Week 11 Day 4

rash LELB Society

Rash 1100 Words You Need Rash 1100 Words You Need /ræʃ/ (adj & noun) careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result, lax, thoughtless and impetuous, impulsive, hasty, reckless, foolish, imprudent, precipitous, brash, insensible – skin eruption, an outbreak on the surface of the skin that is often reddish and itchy, flush,…

Epidemic – English Flashcard for Epidemic for IELTS

Epidemic - English Flashcard for Epidemic - LELB Society

Epidemic Epidemic (adj & noun) /ˌep.ɪˈdem.ɪk/ noun: an outbreak of a disease – a fast-spreading disease, plague – a rapid growth in something – outbreak – outburst – increase – prevalent – widespread: Hundreds of people died on that island due to an epidemic of a viral disease. Antonyms: restricted, decrease Adverb: epidemically