Rash 1100 Words You Need
Rash 1100 Words You Need
/ræʃ/ (adj & noun)
careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result, lax, thoughtless and impetuous, impulsive, hasty, reckless, foolish, imprudent, precipitous, brash, insensible – skin eruption, an outbreak on the surface of the skin that is often reddish and itchy, flush, hives, pimples, itchiness, inflammation:
That was a rash decision – you didn’t think about the costs involved.
I think it was a bit rash of them to get married when they’d only known each other for a few weeks.
Many rash symptoms can be managed at home, but severe rashes, especially those seen in combination with other symptoms such as fever, pain, dizziness, vomiting, or difficulty breathing, may require urgent medical treatment.
Antonym: sensible, wise, mature
Noun: rashness
Adv: rashly
French: hâtive
Farsi: عجولانه