Variegated GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Variegated GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Variegated GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈveə.rɪ.geɪ.tɪd/ (adj) Definition showing or having various colors, diversified, varied, multicolor, multihued, varicolored, multicolored, polychromatic, parti-colored, colorful, motley, many-colored Example Purple butterflies are not exactly rare. However, you do not always find a consistently purple color, its more common to find various and variegated shades of blue, black and purple co-mingled …

Multifarious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Multifarious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Multifarious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌmʌl.tɪˈfeə.ri.əs/ (adj) Definition including many varied and different types or items, legion, diverse, multitudinous, diversified, various, manifold, numerous, populous, heterogenous, assorted, motley, miscellaneous, multiplex Example My favorite way to work spring review into my lesson plans is with versatile and engaging spring activities. These spring worksheets for kindergarten provide meaningful opportunities …

Eclectic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Eclectic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Eclectic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪˈklek.tɪk/ (adj) choosing from various sources, offering a variety of the best choices, diverse, varied, catholic, selective, wide-ranging, heterogeneous, comprehensive, extensive, multifaceted, broad Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to …

Diversity 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2

Diversity 1100 words you need to know week 42 day 2 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Diversity 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2 Diversity 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2 /daɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/ (noun) a variety of something, miscellany, assortment, mixture, range, array, multiplicity, variation, diverseness, diversification, heterogeneity As the topic of hiring a diverse workforce continues to make its way into more corporate discussions and conference agendas, the …

Disparate 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 2

Disparate 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 2 at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Disparate 1100 Words You Need Disparate 1100 Words You Need /ˈdɪs.pər.ət/ (adj) completely different and various, incongruous, dissimilar, unlike, distinct, unrelated, contrasting, impertinent “At the beginning of the project we thought, maybe we need to have a narrator to lay out some of the history, maybe show the connections, the ligaments that connect the joints …

Various English Flashcard for Various for IELTS

Various English Flashcard

Various English Flashcard Various English Flashcard (adj) /ˈveə.ri.əs/ US /ˈver.i-/ including very different types of the same thing – assorted, diverse, varied: Various fruits and vegetables grow in this farm. Parts of Speech Adjective: varied Adverb: variously Adverb: variedly Noun: variety Noun: variation Verb: vary Antonyms alike, similar