Esoteric GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Esoteric GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Esoteric GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌiː.səʊˈter.ɪk/ (adj) Definition known or understood only by a few, difficult to understand, abstruse, abstract, elusive, enigmatic, impenetrable, complex, obscure, mysterious, occult, opaque, cryptic, incomprehensible, recondite, complicated, arcane, secret, encrypted Example In cryptography, a cipher (or cypher) is an algorithm for performing encryption or decryption—a series of well-defined steps that can…

Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3

ambiguous LELB Society

Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Ambiguous 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /æmˈbɪg.ju.əs/ (adj) having more than just one meaning or interpretation, difficult to understand and elusive, vague, cryptic, confusing, hazy, nebulous, unclear, abstruse, obscure, uncertain, indefinite,…

Obscure 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 1

obscure LELB Society

Obscure 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 1 Obscure 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 1 /əbˈskjʊəʳ/ (adj & verb) Adjective: unclear and difficult to see through, opaque, hazy, nebulous, elusive, indistinct, hard to understand, incomprehensible, vague, ambiguous, murky, blurry, unknown Verb: to prevent something from being seen or heard, conceal, hide, make…

Recondite 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 3

Recondite 1100 words you need to know week 22 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, IELTS & TOEFL

Recondite 1100 Words You Need Recondite 1100 Words You Need /ˈrek.ən.daɪt/ (adj) not know by many people and difficult to understand, unfamiliar, unknown, mysterious, subtle, understood only by experts, obscure, abstruse, complex, little known, esoteric, hidden, concealed, covert, cryptic This group of narratives has been accorded special attention by Borges scholars, whose expert exegeses are…

Elusive 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 3

elusive LELB Society

Elusive 1100 Words You Need Elusive 1100 Words You Need /ɪˈluː.sɪv/ (adj) difficult to describe, find, achieve or remember, indefinable, subtle, intangible, vague, indescribable, abstract, ambiguous, mysterious, obscure, tenuous, nebulous, ineffable, unclear: The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever. Success, however, remained elusive for her. elusive memories antonym: obvious Adv: elusively Noun:…

Fugitive – English Flashcard for Fugitive for IELTS

Fugitive | English Flashcard for Fugitive - LELB Society

Fugitive Fugitive (adj & noun) /ˈfjuː.dʒɪ.tɪv/ US /-ţɪv/ noun: someone who is running away from the police, punishment, enemies, etc. – runaway, escapee, deserter, outlaw – fleeing – brief, elusive, quick: Many fugitives from justice live in that deserted island. Parts of Speech Noun: fugitiveness Adverb: fugitively