Penetrate – English Flashcard for Penetrate for IELTS

Penetrate English Flashcard LELB Society

Penetrate Penetrate (verb) /ˈpen.ɪ.treɪt/ to enter or pass through something especially by force – permeate – go through, infiltrate, pierce, break in, enter My watch is waterproof. That is, water cannot penetrate it. Parts of Speech Noun: penetrator Noun: penetration Adjective: penetrable Adjective: penetrating Adjective: penetrative

Foist – English Flashcard for Foist with Synonyms

Foist - English Flashcard for Foist - LELB Society

Foist Foist (verb) /’fɔɪst/ to force someone to accept something or deal with something unpleasant – twist someone’s arm – impose on – force upon – inflict upon – pass off – thrust upon: As a private, he had to accept all the intolerable commands foisted upon him by his superiors. Antonyms offer, present

Strident – English Flashcard for Strident for IELTS

Strident - English Flashcard for Strident - LELB Society

Strident Strident (adj) /ˈstraɪ.dənt/ forcefully and strongly expressed – loud and shrill – piercing and harsh – vociferous – persuasive – noisy: Strident in context So much strident and acrimonious criticism was directed at the press secretary for practicing plagiarism. The debate grew increasingly heated, with one participant’s strident voice cutting through the room. His …