Affinity – English Flashcard for Affinity for IELTS


Affinity Affinity /əˈfɪn.ɪ.ti/ (noun) feeling of identification, close similarity or connection among people, fellow feeling, empathy, sympathy, resemblance, correspondence, attraction, fraternity: Affinity in context I tried to restore the sense of affinity between John and his father by seeking a reconciliation. Although we should let bygones be bygones, I can never forget your reluctance to…

Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL

friendship LELB Society

Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL The Outline of This Lesson on Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary What is a relationship? Human beings are social creatures, and most of us yearn for close relationships with other people. Relationships require a lot of work and a lot of communication, but it can still be hard to…