In The Doldrums 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 3

In the doldrums 1100 words you need to know week 25 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

In The Doldrums 1100 Words /’dōl-drəmz, ‘däl-, ‘dȯl-/ (noun) Definition in a depressed and sluggish way, quiet and inactive, stagnant, bored and depressed, stationary, at a standstill, at a halt, marooned, slow, slack, gloomy Doldrum in context No good news again. The UK economy still remains in the doldrums with little sign that things are…

Lugubrious 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 4

Lugubrious 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS with flashcards

Lugubrious 1100 Words You Need /luːˈguː.bri.əs/ (adj) sad and depressed, morose, gloomy, mournful, melancholic, somber, doleful, miserable, cheerless, wretched, dismal, downbeat, depressing No such consideration can excuse my difficulty with “lugubrious.” I do recall when I first saw that one. A classmate in high school wrote in my yearbook “The vicissitudes of life are very…

Dejected – English Flashcard for Dejected for IELTS

Dejected - English Flashcard for Dejected - LELB Society

Dejected Dejected (adj) /dɪˈdʒek.tɪd/ extremely unhappy and disappointed, sad, depressed, gloomy, dismal, doleful, despondent: Having lost her favorite job, she looked dejected for an entire week. Antonyms cheerful, optimistic, jolly, jaunty Parts of speech Adverb: dejectedly Noun: dejectedness Noun: dejection

Downbeat – English Flashcard for Downbeat for IELTS

Downbeat - English flashcard

Downbeat Downbeat /ˈdaʊn.biːt/ (adj) hopeless, pessimistic and gloomy – desperate – depressing and negative, somber Downbeat in context Life has so many downbeat and upbeat moments which are ephemeral. After hearing the unexpected news of the company’s major restructuring, the office atmosphere turned distinctly downbeat. The once lively chatter around the water cooler was replaced…

Morose – English Flashcard for Morose with Examples


Morose Morose /məˈrəʊs/ (adj) gloomy and bad-tempered, unhappy and depressed, downbeat, down in the dumps, miserable, pessimistic, dejected, doleful: Jack seems very morose and gloomy ever since he lost his wife in a car accident. After hearing the news of his friend’s departure, John became morose, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a deep sadness.…

Dealing with Death | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice

Dealing with Death | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice Dealing with Death | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice Class Rules Watch this video on YouTube Relevant Audio / Video File Watch or listen to the following video/audio file in conjunction with the topic being discussed and try to answer the questions about it. Questions about…