Pretentious 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Pretentious in visual dictionary and thesaurus in real context

Pretentious 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with text-to-speech functionality to practice listening comprehension and in authentic passages to improve your reading in our visual dictionary and thesaurus /prɪˈtent.ʃəs/ (adj) Definition trying to prove or show that you’re more important than you really are, bombastic, bumptious, pontifical, ostentatious, grandiose, exaggerated, overambitious, …

Pontifical 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Pontifical in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in real context

Pontifical 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam used in authentic and short passages with illustrations in our visual dictionary and thesaurus to improve your listening and reading comprehension /pɒnˈtɪfɪk(ə)l/ (adj) Definition pompous and bombastic, arrogant, dogmatic, domineering, self-important, pontificating, authoritarian, opinionated, grandiose, bumptious, superior, pretentious, portentous, stubborn, swaggering, pertinacious relating to …

August GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

August GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

August GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɔːˈgʌst/ (adj & noun) Definition Adjective: full of dignity and splendor, dignified, majestic, grand, of high quality, impressive, excellent, noble, sublime, superb, top-notch, admirable, prestigious, awesome, esteemed, eminent, distinguished, princely, venerable, imposing, stately, grandiose, lordly, exalted Noun: the eighth month of the year between July and September Example Responsible for the …

Bombastic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Bombastic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Bombastic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard bɒmˈbæs.tɪk/ (adj) Definition using difficult words to show you’re more important than you really are, pompous, long-winded, magniloquent, declamatory, verbose, euphuistic, pretentious, turgid, grandiloquent, affected, sonorous, ostentatious, grandiose, high-flown, orotund, rhetorical Example The word verbosity comes from Latin verbosus, “wordy”. There are many other English words that also refer to the …

Majestic 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 37

monarch LELB Society

Majestic 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 37 /məˈdʒes.tɪk/ (adj) noble and dignified, magnificent, superb, splendid, impressive, distinguished, resplendent, graceful, gracious – kingly, royal, grand, grandiose Ireland’s Majestic Beauty Jenna Holeman is a CISabroad student studying in Ireland this semester, originally hailing from Ohio University. Follow her journey through a few different excursions she went on …