Surmise 1100 Words You Need Week 13 Day 4

surmise LELB Society

Surmise 1100 Words You Need Surmise 1100 Words You Need /ˈsə.maɪz/ (noun & verb) to guess something without having any evidence to prove it, make guess about something, conjecture, infer, deduce, conclude, assume, construe, presume, suppose, postulate, theorize, hypothesize, speculate, guesswork, inference, deduction, presumption, conclusion, assumption, hypothesis, postulation, supposition, speculation, theory: Watch this video on…

Tacit – English Flashcard for Tacit with Synonyms

Tacit - English Flashcard for Tacit - LELB Society

Tacit Tacit (adj) /ˈtæs.ɪt/ understood implicitly – indirectly stated – implied but not stated – inferred – not explicit: The two companies could reach only a tacit agreement on the problematic issue. Parts of speech Adverb: tacitly Antonyms explicit