Morbid Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Morbid definition and meaning in context with images and visuals /ˈmɔː.bɪd/ (adj) Definition of morbid showing a strong interest in unpleasant subjects such as death, murder or accidents, gloomy, morose, moody, saturnine, dejected, melancholic, sullen, gruesome, ominous, sinister, dismal, macabre, despondent, doleful, somber, grisly, baleful (in medicine) related to diseases or illnesses Video of morbid …

The Killers by Ernest Hemingway for ESL Students

The Killers by Ernest Hemingway for ESL students with podcast and vocabulary practice in real context

The Killers by Ernest Hemingway with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context ideal for advanced ESL students The Killers by Ernest Hemingway is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project Podcast of The Killers by Ernest Hemingway Watch this video on YouTube The Killers by Ernest Hemingway The door of Henry’s …

Corpus Delicti Definition in Context with Images

Corpus delicti definition in context with images and short real examples

Corpus delicti definition in context with images and real examples in short passages from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student as a legal term in English. Learn the word, corpus delicti, in authentic passages. /ˈkɔː.pəs – dɪˈlɪktʌɪ/ (noun) Corpus delicti definition the facts and pieces of evidence proving that a crime or murder has …

Regicide Definition & Meaning from 601 Words

Regicide definition and synonyms in real context in visual dictionary

Regicide definition and meaning from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam, used in authentic and short passages. Learn the meaning of the word, regicide, and improve your vocabulary in real context with illustrations. /ˈredʒ.ɪ.saɪd/ (noun) Regicide definition the act of killing a king or a person who kills a …

Carnage 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 1

Carnage 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 1 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Carnage 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 1 Carnage 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 1 /ˈkɑː.nɪdʒ/ (noun) widespread slaughter of people, the violent act of killing a lot of people, killing, bloodshed, mass murder, massacre, bloodbath, butchery, too many casualties, genocide AT LEAST 27 people – including four children and an 18-month-old …

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe – Short Storiy

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe at LELB Society as a great American short story to improe your English with podcast and flashcards

The Cask of Amontillado The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe Available in the public domain at: The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that …

God Sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy Short Story

God sees the truth but waits a great short story to practice reading and vocabulary in English at LELB Society with flashcards

God Sees the Truth but Waits God Sees the Truth but Waits In the town of Vladimir lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov. He had two shops and a house of his own. Watch this video on YouTube Aksionov was a handsome, fair-haired, curly-headed fellow, full of fun, and very fond of singing. …