English Documentary on Ichthyosaurs with Transcript & Video

English Documentary on Ichthyosaurs with transcript and video and vocabulary practice for English learners

English Documentary on Ichthyosaurs with Transcript and Video to practice reading and listening comprehension in real context and expand your scientific and academic vocabulary in real context with illustrated flashcards and interesting documentaries Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension Ichthyosaurs or dominant sea monsters While dinosaurs …

English Documentary on Plesiosaurs with Transcript & Video

English Documentary on Plesiosaurs with transcript and video to learn English academically

English documentary on plesiosaurs with transcript and video to practice both reading and listening comprehension at the same time in real context and improve your academic vocabulary in real context with images. Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension About plesiosaurs Sea monsters are considered to be …

English Documentary on Mosasaurs with Transcript & Video

English documentary on Mosasaurs with transcript and video for advanced English learners

English documentary on Mosasaurs with transcript as text and video to practice reading and listening comprehension and learn vocabulary in real context with images, ideal for IELTS & TOEFL candidates Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension What are mosasaurs? During the Cretaceous Period, mosasaurs were …

Saurian – Animal Terms in English

Saurian - Animal Terms in English from 601 Words at LELB Society with Images in Context

Saurian – Animal Terms in English /ˈsɔ:rɪən/ (adj) Definition relating to lizards or similar to them – a large reptile or lizard very similar to a dinosaur Example Lizards as saurian reptiles are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica, as well as most oceanic island …

Ophidian – English Vocabulary about Animals

Ophidian - English Vocabulary about Animals and Snakes at LELB Society with Images in Real Context

Ophidian – English Vocabulary about Animals /ō-‘fi-dē-ən/ (adj & noun) Definition relating to snakes or similar to them – snake, serpent Example Snakes have some clear differences from other reptiles. These creatures with ophidian features have no limbs, no moveable eyelids, and no ear openings. The teeth of most nonvenomous snakes form 2 rows in …

Molt GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Molt GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Molt GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /məʊlt/ (noun & verb) Definition (of birds and some animals especially reptiles) to lose or shed hair, skin or feathers periodically to grow new ones, desquamate, shed, defoliate, flake, scale, exuviate, peel, skin, slough – loss of skin, hair or feathers Example In biology, molting, also known as sloughing, shedding, or …

English Documentary on Sea Turtles with Transcript & Flashcards

English documentary on Sea Turtles at LELB Society with transcript and flashcards

English Documentary on Sea Turtles with Transcript & Flashcards to perfect your English and expand your vocabulary. You can also watch the video podcast and ready the corresponding transcript Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Source of image: https://www.nbcnews.com/ Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension Sea turtles Sea turtles are ancient mariners. Present …

English Documentary on Pythons with Transcript & Flashcards

English Documentary on Pythons with Transcript & Flashcards at LELB Society

English Documentary on Pythons with Transcript & Flashcards to improve your listening and reading skills and enrich your vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Source of image: https://www.history.com/ Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension Formidable snakes Almost no other predator on the planet inspires as much terror and curiosity as the python. …

English Documentary on Dinosaurs with Transcript

English Documentary on Dinosaurs with Transcript, illustrated flashcards and a podcast to improve your reading and listening abilities and expand your vocabulary knowledge Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube Dinosaurs Probably no other creatures on the planet have struck as much fear and awe in our hearts as the dinosaurs. The …

Reptile – English Flashcard for Reptile for IELTS

Reptile | English Flashcard for Reptile - LELB Society

Reptile Reptile (noun) /ˈrep.taɪl/ a group of cold-blooded, egg-laying, air-breathing animals like crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, etc. that creep on the ground: Reptiles have been living on earth millions of years before humans. Parts of Speech Adjective: reptilian