Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid definition in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ˈpjuː.trɪd/ (adj) Putrid definition extremely unpleasant and unattractive, contemptible, disgusting, repugnant, repulsive having an unpleasant smell due to being decayed, rotting with a foul smell, rotten, decomposed, noisome, fetid, tainted, rancid Video of putrid Putrid in context When vegetables, milk, or meat are …

Repugnant 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 2

Repugnant 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 2 Repugnant 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 2 /rɪˈpʌg.nənt/ (adj) extremely unpleasant and disgusting, repulsive, unsavory, uncouth, distasteful, unacceptable, abhorrent, revolting, noisome, offensive, vile, foul, loathsome, sickening, detestable, appalling, gross, horrible, hideous, abominable, obnoxious The kitchen in every home is the one place the whole …

Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1

Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 Unsavory 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 /ʌnˈseɪ.vər.i/ US /-vɚ-/ (adj) disgusting and unpleasant, morally offensive, disagreeable to taste, smell or look at, distasteful, revolting, nasty, repellent, unwelcome, uncouth, repulsive, immoral, villainous, unacceptable, untrustworthy, disreputable, repugnant Notorious or unsavory reputation that would adversely affect …

Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Noisome

Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Noisome GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈnɔɪ.səm/ (adj) very unpleasant and offensive, repugnant, repulsive, unpleasant, foul, offensive, disgusting, repellent, horrible, awful, putrid: a noisome stench Parts of Speech Adverb: Noisomely Antonyms fragrant, pleasant

Horrid – English Flashcard for Horrid for IELTS

Horrid | English Flashcard for Horrid - LELB Society

Horrid Horrid (adj) /ˈhɒr.ɪd/ US /ˈhɔːr-/ causing horror or disgust, dreadful, unpleasant and nasty, despicable, horrible I cannot stand horrid behaviors, particularly at the table. Antonyms pleasant, pleasing Parts of Speech Noun: horridness Adverb: horridly