Chasm Definition in Context with Images & Synonyms

Chasm Definition in Context with Images & Synonyms

Chasm definition in real context with images and synonyms /ˈkæz.əm/ (noun) Definition of chasm (geology) a very deep hole or crack in the ground, rock, ice or earth, fissure, rupture, gulf, gap, abyss a wide and profound difference between ideas, feelings and groups of people, disagreement, breach, conflict, separation, rift, division, schism Video of chasm…

Rupture Meaning in Context with Images Visual Dictionary

Rupture meaning in context with images in visual dictionary

Rupture meaning in context with images in visual dictionary from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student used in authentic context for advanced ESL students. Learn the word, rupture, in real examples and improve your reading comprehension as well. /ˈrʌp.tʃəʳ/ (noun & verb) Rupture meaning any break in something that makes it inoperable, broken state,…

Abyss GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Abyss GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Abyss GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈbɪs/ (noun) Definition an extremely deep hole that seems to be bottomless, void, pit, bottomless pit, gulf, cavity, gorge, chasm, rift – a difficult situation that causes trouble, predicament Example Humankind has visited the tallest and most remote places on Earth as well as an increasing amount of space via piloted…

Dispute 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 31

dispute LELB Society

Dispute 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 31 /dɪˈspjuːt/ (noun & verb) Noun: disagreement or argument, rift, quarrel, strife, clash, row Verb: to disagree, argue, debate, wrangle, discuss, quarrel, exchange views – impugn, doubt, contest Every workplace is made up of individuals with different personalities, backgrounds, work habits, values, and ideas. While these differences can bring…

Rift 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 2

Rift 1100 words you need to know week 45 day 2 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Rift 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 2 Rift 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 2 /rɪft/ (noun) a major disagreement or conflict, strife, friction, split, break, dispute, breach, fracture, cleft, division, quarrel, crack, gap Real reason behind Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s rift REVEALED It’s no secret that there is little love…

Schism 1100 Words You Need Week 12 Day 3

schism LELB Society

Schism 1100 Words You Need Schism 1100 Words You Need /ˈskɪz.əm/ (noun) Definition a division into two groups caused by a disagreement about ideas, especially in a religious organization, division in religious denomination, split, break, rupture, rift, breakup, faction: Example a schism in/within the Church The East–West Schism, also called the Great Schism and the Schism of 1054, was…

Conflict – English Flashcard for Conflict for IELTS

Conflict English Flashcard LELB Society

Conflict Conflict (noun & verb) /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ US /ˈkɑːn-/ noun: a serious disagreement, argument, or fight among people, groups, etc., rift, disagreement, struggle, fight, battle, encounter, clash – opposition, discord, quarrel, divergence, fracas, dispute The spouse, who invariably were in conflict, finally got a divorce. Antonyms peace, concord Parts of Speech Adjective: conflicting Adjective: conflicted