Apogee Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Apogee definition and meaning in context with images and visuals /ˈæp.ə.dʒiː/ (noun) Definition of apogee highest point, culmination, the best or greatest point, peak, zenith, height, acme, apex, climax, summit, pinnacle (geology or astronomy) a point in orbit farthest from Earth, a point in space at which a satellite or moon orbiting an astronomical object…

English Documentary on Neptune with Transcript & Flashcards

English Documentary on Neptune with Transcript and Flashcards at LELB Society

English Documentary on Neptune with Transcript & Flashcards to make your listening and reading comprehension better and enrich your academic vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube The farthest world Along the dark edges of the Solar System, it floats. Anchored by a star but barely graced by its warmth, this…

English Documentary on Space Rockets with Transcript

English Documentary on Space Rockets at LELB Society with Transcript and flashcards for IELTS & TOEFL

English Documentary on Space Rockets with Transcript, illustrated flashcards and podcast to improve your reading and listening comprehension alongside vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube Rockets are formidable The ground begins to tremble. Massive engines roar to life, billowing clouds of exhaust, and then blinding pillar…

English Documentary on Saturn with Transcript

English Documentary on Saturn with Transcript at LELB Society to improve your listening & reading comprehension and vocabulary

English Documentary on Saturn with Transcript and illustrated flashcards inside the transcript to improve your listening and reading comprehension alongside your vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube Saturn With its gold color and stunning rings, Saturn is quite a planetary gem. Saturn is the second-largest of the eight planets, and…

Practice Reading & Listening on Moon for IELTS & TOEFL

Practice reading & listening on Moon with podcast and flashcards at LELB Society transcribed by Zahra Pourbagher

Practice Reading & Listening on Moon Practice Reading & Listening on Moon for IELTS & TOEFL with illustrated flashcards, a podcast as a documentary from National Geographic YouTube Channel and text-to-speech transcribed by Zahra Pourbagher Watch this video on YouTube Over 150 moons orbit the solar system’s planets, and one of those moons calls Earth home. The moon was…

Practice Reading & Listening on Jupiter for IELTS & TOEFL

Practice reading & listening on Jupiter with illustrated flashcards & podcast at LELB Society by Hajar Aziz Zanjani

Practice Reading & Listening on Jupiter Practice Reading & Listening on Jupiter for IELTS & TOEFL with authentic materials, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech from National Geographic YouTube Channel transcribed by Hajar Aziz Zanjani Watch this video on YouTube Born from primordial stardust, 4.5 billion years ago, Jupiter was the solar system’s first planet, and much…

English Presentation NASA and Space Exploration

English Presentation NASA English Presentation NASA Watch this video on YouTube LELB Society’s Lecturer: Sasan Handout Provided by the Lecturer When and how was NASA founded? What is the genre of the movie, Armageddon? What is the main plot of this movie? What was the end result of NASA’s collaboration with Speedo Company in 2008? Who or…

Science IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Definition of Omniscient from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Science IELTS Listening Reading Practice Science IELTS Listening Reading Practice Selected Text (below 500 words) Source: https://www.space.com Time travel — moving between different points in time — has been a popular topic for science fiction for decades. Franchises ranging from “Doctor Who” to “Star Trek” to “Back to the Future” have seen humans get in a vehicle of…