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White Elephant 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 1

White Elephant 1100 Words You Need

White Elephant 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 1 with synonyms, antonyms, flashcards and authentic materials and examples for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

something that is very costly and expensive but cannot be of great use, something costly to maintain, a possession of questionable value

A couple of months ago in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, I saw my first white elephant. It was on display in an elegant pen that you get to view before going on to visit the city’s main temple. It fascinated me that this white elephant was more yellowish than white. I’m now writing, however, of a much less fascinating white elephant.

The reality therefore is that regarding every controversial issue in which a P-5 member has a big stake, the Council simply morphs into the classic white elephant: useless but maintained at a sacrifice and impossible to get rid of. Many remedies have been proposed for this anomaly. But none of the P-5 is willing to give up the power of the veto, nor is any willing to have that power diluted. So every proposed remedy is vetoed. The veto perpetuates itself.

Source: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/

Antonyms: blue chip, asset

Farsi: آنچه که گران قیمت ولی بی فایده باشد

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