Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice

Practice reading & listening on cancer at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards for IELTS by Mahsa Mohammadi

Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice Questions about cancer What are the building blocks of our organs? How is cancer developed? Why are cancer cells multiplied outrageously? How is a tumor formed? Where is all the vital information about each cell stored? What is mutation and what causes it? Please explain …

Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice

Human Brain Practice reading & listening with flashcards at LELB Society by Mahsa Mohammadi

Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice (Session 86) Questions about mental gender differences How differently do men and women process information? How distinct are the structures of men and women’s brains? What are women’s brains driven by? Why can women remember …

Habits – IELTS Speaking Practice

IELTS Speaking Practice on Habits IELTS Speaking Practice on Habits Key Words: habits, habit formation, tendency, addiction, obsession, etc. Questions about habit formation How many days do you need to change your habits? What type of challenges are more likely to stick while trying to change your habits? What should you do to reinforce your …

IELTS Speaking Practice on People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

IELTS Speaking Practice on People Skills with interesting activities for advanced ESL students Key Words: people skills, communication skills, interaction, interpersonal relationship, social skills, socialization, etc. Questions about people skills Can you describe a situation where strong people skills helped someone achieve a goal, even if they didn’t have the most technical expertise? 2. In …