English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture

Practice reading & listening on Genetics at LELB Society with flashcards and podcast for IELTS & TOEFL

English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Your nature (genetic make-up), compared to your nurture (environment and upbringing), is relatively a more important factor in determining your success in life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning …

IELTS Essay Sample | Caged Birds

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

IELTS Essay Sample | Caged Birds IELTS Essay Sample | Caged Birds IELTS Essay Sample | Caged Birds Your essay should include at least 250 words. You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task. In this task, your ability to respond to a topic, generate relevant ideas, outline problems and offer solutions to the …

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 18 | IELTS Interview

IELTS Speaking Test Samples LELB Society

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 18 IELTS Speaking Test Sample 18 with a podcast IELTS Candidate: Arash Watch this video on YouTube Part 1: Introduction Get ready to answer some personal questions about yourself. Please note that the entire interview is recorded for analysis. This is a dialogue or two-way conversation between you and the examiner. …

English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed

Definition of Neurology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Left-handed people are more intelligent than right-handed ones. Mohammad disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity based on skill integration to practice the 4 skills …

English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls

English Webinar on Early Birds vs. Night Owls - LELB Society

English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Night owls, compared to early birds, tend to be more productive in life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity …

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity

Longevity 1100 Words you need to know week 25 day 4 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: The quantity of life (longevity) is more important than the quality of life. Mohammad disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity …

English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - an Aesop's Fable at LELB Society to practice vocabulary and listening

English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Country life is more ideal than city life to lead a happy life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity …

IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration Your essay should include at least 250 words. You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task. In this task, your ability to respond to a topic, generate relevant ideas, outline problems and offer solutions to the …

Successful People | Interview 2 with Podcast

Success Journal LELB Society

Successful People | Interview 2 Successful People | Interview 2 Interviewee: Mohammad Watch this video on YouTube Questions: What is your definition of success? Why do you consider yourself to be successful? Do you remember any special inspirational quotation about success? What is the most important key to success from your point of view? Do …

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 17 | IELTS Interview

IELTS Speaking Test Samples LELB Society

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 17 IELTS Speaking Test Sample 17 with a podcast IELTS Candidate: Arash Watch this video on YouTube Part 1: Introduction Get ready to answer some personal questions about yourself. Please note that the entire Interview: Noun This is a dialogue or two-way conversation between you and the examiner. Time: 4 to …