Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS

Writing Practice on Schadenfreude

Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS Topic What is Schadenfreude? It seems to me that Schadenfreude is a horrible feeling that can ruin peoples’ lives. What would be wrong if we set a goal for ourselves and tried hard to achieve our objective and enjoyed the journey without comparing…

English Conversation on Schadenfreude with Podcast

English Conversation on Schadenfreude

English Conversation on Schadenfreude English Conversation on Schadenfreude Lecture on schadenfreude Watch this presentation on schadenfreude and express your opinions about it in the comment form at the bottom of this post. Watch this video on YouTube Sasan It seems to me that Schadenfreude is a horrible feeling that can ruin peoples’ lives. What would…

IELTS Reading on Schadenfreude with Flashcards

IELTS Reading on Schadenfreude IELTS Reading on Schadenfreude Source: Wikipedia.org What is Schadenfreude? Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. It is one of four related emotions or concepts. Schadenfreude is a complex emotion, where rather than feeling sympathy towards…

English Vocabulary about Strength and Weakness

English Vocabulary about Strength and Weakness English Vocabulary about Strength and Weakness Feeble Watch this video on YouTube He was a feeble, helpless old man. The little lamp gave only a feeble light. Opposition to the plan was rather feeble. On the wane By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.…