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English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism

English Vocabulary about Optimism

English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism Buoyant (ad) cheerful, optimistic, happy, (antonym: morose), resilient, flexible Watch this video on YouTube. We can make a real effort to be buoyant despite obstacles. A buoyant mood can be felt while doing exercise. If I had immigrated to a developed country, I…

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present participles Watch this video on YouTube. Both present and past participles are also called verbal adjectives because, on the one hand, they are used to describe a noun; and on the other hand, they look like a verb. Present participles…

Compound-complex Sentences in English

Compound-complex sentences in English

Compound-complex sentences in English Compound-complex sentences in English Simple sentence A simple sentence includes one independent or main clause. Furthermore, the meaning of a simple sentence is complete by itself. Watch this video on YouTube. These days, computers are used for a variety of purposes. Compound sentence A compound sentence consists of two independent or…

IELTS Essay on Developing Resilience with Correction

IELTS Essay on Developing Resilience

What is resilience? Resilience is one’s capacity to cope with difficult situations. There are three main domains for resilience, physical, emotional, and mental. We might be more resilient in one domain than others. The impact of failure on resilience Failure is not the end and it can help us to gain more experience by which…