Present Perfect Tense in English – English Grammar

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense Present perfect tense is used to refer to an action that started in the past and continues to the present time: Watch this video on YouTube The film has already started. Sometimes the action is completed before the present time: She’s got a new haircut. The structure Subject + have / has …

Stigma GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Stigma

Stigma GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Stigma

Stigma GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Stigma GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈstɪg.mə/ (noun) something to be ashamed of, sign of social unacceptability, libel, shame, disgrace, dishonor, blemish, blot, opprobrium, stain, taint, humiliation, scandal, discredit, degradation: In this city, there is a social stigma attached to any female smoker. Parts of Speech Verb: stigmatize Noun: stigmatization Antonyms pride, honor, …

Deride GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Deride

Deride GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Deride

Deride GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Deride GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /dɪˈraɪd/ (verb) to laugh at someone or something in a way which shows you think they are ridiculous or of no value, sneer at, ridicule, scoff, put down, mock, disdain, tease, make fun of, poke fun at, burlesque, lampoon: This building, once derided by critics, is now …

Unlikely English Flashcard for Unlikely for IELTS

unlikely English Flashcard

Unlikely English Flashcard Unlikely English Flashcard (adj) /ʌnˈlaɪ.kli/ not likely to happen or to be true, improbable, implausible: It’s quite unlikely that Mr. Smith will be able to give a lecture tomorrow. He’s got a very bad flu. Antonyms possible, likely, probable, plausible Parts of Speech Noun: unlikeliness Noun: unlikelihood

Neural English Flashcard for Neural for IELTS

Neural English Flashcard

Neural English Flashcard Neural English Flashcard (adj) /ˈnjʊə.rəl/ US /ˈnʊr.əl/ referring to the brain nerves or the nervous system: The brain scan shows that there are weird neural activities going on in the upper lobe of the patient’s brain. Parts of Speech Noun: neuron Noun: neurology Noun: neurologist Adverb: neurally

Transformation English Flashcard for Transformation

transformation English Flashcard

Transformation English Flashcard Transformation English Flashcard (noun) /ˌtræns.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/ US /-fɚ-/ a complete change in something which is easily noticeable, alternation: A caterpillar undergoes a dramatic transformation to turn into a mature butterfly. Parts of Speech Verb: transform Adjective: transformative Adverb: transformatively

Weekdays in French with Flashcards (épisode 4)

Weekdays in French

Weekdays in French Weekdays in French Il y a sept jours dans une semaine et chaque jour, Bita, Hajar et moi faisons des choses différentes. En Iran, où nous vivons actuellement, la semaine commence par samedi. Bita va à la maternelle les jours pairs, c’est-à-dire samedi, lundi et mercredi. D’autre part, les jours impairs, c’est-à-dire …