Sordid 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

sordid LELB Society

Sordid 1100 Words You Need Sordid 1100 Words You Need /ˈsɔː.dɪd/ (adj) immoral and shocking, dirty and unpleasant, nasty, squalid, base, disreputable, repugnant, disgusting, repulsive, despicable, ignoble, degenerate, decadent, foul, filthy, distasteful, rundown: There are lots of really sordid apartments in the city’s poorer areas. He told me he’d had an affair but he spared…

Castigate 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Castigate 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Castigate 1100 Words You Need /ˈkæs.tɪ.geɪt/ (verb) to criticize someone or something strongly, reprimand, reproach, penalize, rebuke, tell off, chastise, rake over the coals, scold, chide, blame, lecture, reprove: The CEO of the company castigated his staff for not updating their information with regard to the emerging critical problem. Antonym: praise Noun: castigation Noun: castigator…

Laceration 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Laceration 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Laceration 1100 Words You Need Laceration 1100 Words You Need /ˌlæs.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ (noun) a jagged cut or wound in your skin, slash, rip, graze, scratch, tear, slit, gash: The patient in the car accident needs to have 5 stitches in his laceration immediately. Fre: lacération Fa: زخم، پارگی

Belittle 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 2

belittle LELB Society

Belittle 1100 Words You Need Belittle 1100 Words You Need /bɪˈlɪt.ļ/ (verb) to make an action or a person seem unimportant, disparage, despise, humiliate, demean, decry, deride, put down, deprecate, rubbish: Though she had spent hours fixing the computer he belittled her efforts. Stop belittling yourself – your work is highly valued. antonym: praise Fre:…

Brash 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 2

brash LELB Society

Brash 1100 Words You Need Brash 1100 Words You Need /bræʃ/ (adj) (of people) showing too much confidence and too little respect, aggressively self-assertive, arrogant, pushy, bossy, overconfident, presumptuous, bold, forceful, impudent (of clothes) too bright and colorful, gaudy, tasteless, trashy hasty, impetuous, rash, foolhardy, hurried, impatient a brash young banker Don’t you think that…

Promulgate 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 2

Promulgate 1100 Words You Need Promulgate 1100 Words You Need /ˈprɒm.əl.geɪt/ (verb) to spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people, to announce something publicly, especially a new law, propagate, broadcast, spread, disseminate, circulate, transmit, publicize, declaim, proclaim, decree, pronounce, state, endorse, stipulate: The new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of last…

Pugnacious 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 2

pugnacious LELB Society

Pugnacious 1100 Words You Need Pugnacious 1100 Words You Need /pʌgˈneɪ.ʃəs/ (adj) wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully, belligerent, argumentative, fierce, aggressive, confrontational, truculent, contentious: I found him pugnacious and arrogant. antonym: peaceable Fre: pugnace Fa: جنگجو

Throw Down the Gauntlet – 1100 Words You Need

Throw Down the Gauntlet 1100 Words You Need to Know

Throw down the gauntlet Throw down the gauntlet to invite your rival or competitor to a challenge, e.g. a fight or competition, challenge, confront, defy, brave, face up to, dare, test, dispute, contest, object to, oppose: When the inexperienced photographer threw down the gauntlet, the expect in photography did not have any other choice but…