تهمت زدن در فارسی با سریال عروسکی هادی و هدی

Scandal in Farsi with Puppet show Hadi & Hoda at LELB Society with script for non-Persian speakers

تهمت زدن در زبان فارسی و پرسش و پاسخ درباره این موضوع با استفاده از سریال عروسکی هادو و هدی برای غیر فارسی زبانان ویدیوی درس تهمت زدن Watch this video on YouTube وقایع داستان پدر هادی باید به سر کار بره، چون کشیک هست و شیفت داره. پدر هادی پول خرد نداره، پس سهم …

واژگان فارسی درباره خواب و استراحت با ترجمه انگلیسی

Sleep fast and peacefully

آشنایی با واژگان و اصطلاحات فارسی درباره خواب و استراحت برای آموزش فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان به همراه مثال، ترجمه انگلیسی و ویدئوی آموزشی Watch this video on YouTube واژگان فارسی درباره خواب و استراحت خواب آمدن  feeling sleepy – من خسته ام، خیلی خوابم میاد. – I am so tired, I am so …

Millennium – Definition & Example in Context

Definition of Millennium in authentic context with illustrations at LELB Society from 601 Words You Need to Know

Definition and real example for millennium with images for ESL learners together with similar words in authentic context /mɪˈlen.i.əm/ (noun) Definition a period of time around 1000 years, an anniversary of a thousand years, epoch, era, time Example A millennium is a period of one thousand years. Sometimes, the word is used specifically for periods …

Definition of Doublethink in Context

Definition of doublethink with images and in real context at LELB Society from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Learn the word doublethink in real context with images to improve your advanced vocabulary and practice reading comprehension /ˈdʌblˌθɪŋk/ (noun) Definition the acceptance of opposing or conflicting ideas or beliefs at the same time, a simultaneous and dishonest belief in two contradictory ideas concurrently Example Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is …

Definition of Dichotomy in Real Context

Definition of Dichotomy in real context with images at LELB Society from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Learn the word “dichotomy” in authentic context with images for advanced ESL learners together with synonyms and antonyms /daɪˈkɒt.ə.mi/ (noun) Definition a difference or division between two contradictory or different things or ideas, dyad, polarity, opposition, conflict, separation, contrast, discord, contradiction, split, gulf, chasm Example This dichotomy between the poor and the rich will never …

واژگان فارسی درباره ترس و شجاعت با مثال و تمرین تلفظ

آشنایی با واژگان و اصطلاحات رایج در زبان فارسی درباره ترس ویژه غیر فارسی زبانان به همراه ترجمه انگلیسی و ویدیوی آموزشی Watch this video on YouTube واژگان فارسی درباره ترس ترسیدن – بن حال: ترس – بن گذشته: ترسید من از مار می ترسم. ترس / بیم / هراس ترس از ارتفاع / بلندی …

Definition of Decimate – Vocabulary in Context

Definition of Decimate to learn vocabulary in context with images at LELB Society

Definition of Decimate in real context with illustrations for advanced English learners /ˈdes.ɪ.meɪt/ (verb) Definition to destroy or kill a large population of people or things, annihilate, demolish, ruin, massacre, exterminate, raze, wipe out, slaughter, cut down, devastate Example Extinction occurs when species are diminished or decimated because of environmental forces (habitat fragmentation, global change, …

Decalogue – Definition & Short Passage

Definition of Decalogue in real context for ESL learners at LELB Society

Definition of Decalogue as the Ten Commandments in real context for English learners as a historical term related to theology /dekalɔg/ (noun) Definition the Ten Commandments or 10 rules revealed to Moses from God according to which humans are obliged to act in response to other humans and God, teaching, principle, precept, guideline, dictum, instruction …

جمله سازی فارسی و آشنایی با ساختار جمله در زبان فارسی

making sentences in farsi for non-Persian speakers with examples at LELB Society

جمله سازی فارسی و آشنایی با ساختار جمله در زبان فارسی برای غیر فارسی زبانان به عنوان تمرین کاربردی و مفید برای استفاده از واژگان و اصطلاحات فارسی در جمله جمله سازی در زبان فارسی یکی از نیازهای فارسی آموزان بعد از آشنایی با حروف الفبای فارسی، بکار بردن کلمات در جملات فارسی می باشد. …

Bicameral – Legal Terms in English

Bicameral - legal terms in English from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with images at LELB Society

Bicameral – Legal Terms in English for ESL learners in real context with images and text-to-speech technology /ˌbaɪˈkæm.ər.əl/ (adj) Definition having two separate legislative chambers or lawmaking assemblies namely the Senate and the House of Representatives in the US, dual, two-tier, two-house, bilateral, bipartite, dualistic Example A bicameral system describes a government that has a …