Gratitude Definition in Context with Images

Gratitude definition in context

Gratitude definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, gratitude, in authentic context and real short passages with antonyms. /ˈgræt.ɪ.tjuːd/ (noun) Gratitude definition the state of being grateful or thankful, thankfulness, appreciation of kindness, acknowledgement, gratefulness, thanks Example The word gratitude is derived from the …

Hamper Definition in Context with Images

Hamper definition in context with images

Hamper definition in context with images and synonyms used in authentic short passages from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, hamper, in real examples and improve your reading comprehension. /ˈhæm.pəʳ/ (noun & verb) Hamper definition Noun: large basket for laundry, picnic basket Verb: to prevent someone from doing something, stymie, interfere …

Monophobia Definition in Context with Images

Monophobia definition in context with images

Monophobia definition in context with images and real examples from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, monophobia, in authentic context with parts of speech and text-to-speech. Monophobia definition extreme fear of being alone, autophobia Example Autophobia, or monophobia, makes you feel extremely anxious when you’re alone. This fear of being alone …

Advert Definition in Context with Images

Advert definition in context with images

Advert definition in context with images and parts of speech from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, advert, in real context and short passages and improve your reading comprehension as well. /ad-ˈvərt/ (noun & verb) Advert definition Verb: refer to something, make reference to something, turn or call attention to something, …

Abject Definition in Context with Images

Abject definition in context with synonyms

Abject definition in context with images, synonyms and real examples from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, abject, in authentic context with text-to-speech and in short passages. /ˈæb.dʒekt/ (adj) Abject definition miserable, wretched, despicable, showing no pride or respect for yourself, underfoot, pathetic, hopeless abject poverty, failure or misery = extreme …

Apprehensive Definition in Context with Images

Apprehensive definition in context with synonyms

Apprehensive definition in context with images and synonyms + antonyms and parts of speech from the book, Vocabulary for College-bound Students. Learn the word, apprehensive, in authentic context with text-to-speech. /ˌæp.rɪˈhent.sɪv/ (adj) Apprehensive definition worried and anxious about something that you need to do, concerned, hesitant, uneasy, frightened, nervous, fearful, afraid, scared, tense Example If …

IELTS Essay on Sports – Full Essay & Scoring

IELTS essay on sports with full essay and thorough assessment

IELTS essay on sports and physical exercise with full essay + complete analysis and scoring. Submit your IELTS essays to us for profound assessment. We’ve already assessed over 200 IELTS essays. IELTS essay question on sports School children do not seem to spend adequate time doing physical exercise to prevent overweightness and obesity. Do you …

Acclivity Definition in Context with Images

Acclivity definition in context with images

Acclivity definition in context with images and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, acclivity, in authentic short passages and text-to-speech carefully illustrated. /əˈklɪvɪti/ (noun) Acclivity definition an upward slope usually on a hill which is the opposite of declivity as a downward slope, elevation, mound Example There is an …

Haggle Definition in Context with Images

Haggle definition in context with synonyms

Haggle definition in context with images and synonyms as a business term in English from Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, haggle, in authentic examples and with illustrations. /ˈhæg.ļ/ (noun & verb) Haggle definition Verb: to argue over the price or cost of something or a service between the salesman and the customer …

Mortician Definition in Context with Images

Mortician definition in context with images and synonyms

Mortician definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student used in authentic and real context. Learn advanced vocabulary in real context with the word, mortician. /mɔːˈtɪʃ.ən/ (noun) Mortician definition a person whose job is to prepare dead bodies or corpses to be buried, funeral director, undertaker, embalmer Example …