Acclivity Definition in Context with Images

Acclivity definition in context with images and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, acclivity, in authentic short passages and text-to-speech carefully illustrated.

/əˈklɪvɪti/ (noun)

Acclivity definition

an upward slope usually on a hill which is the opposite of declivity as a downward slope, elevation, mound


There is an obscure, but cool-sounding, type of race called a “vertical kilometer,” where the idea is to race uphill as fast as possible until you gain 1,000 meters of elevation. The current men’s record is 29:42, set on a course in Switzerland that is 1,920 meters long with an average acclivity or slope of 27.5 degrees; the women’s record is 36:04.

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Parts of speech

Adjective: acclivitous

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