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Acupuncture | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Acupuncture | A Presentation in English Acupuncture | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Sasan Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: What is needle therapy used for? In which country is it really common? What is placebo effect? Which group of people need this treatment more than others?…

Traveling | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Traveling | A Presentation in English Traveling | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Fatemeh Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: What is xenophobia What is the definition of travel? Discuss some of the benefits of traveling. How can traveling improve your sociability? How can going on a…

How to Give a Significant Presentation

Academic Articles LELB Society

How to Give a Significant Presentation How to Give a Significant Presentation Write the script of your lecture in advance and rehearse your presentation several times before your main speech. This technique gives you an abundance of confidence, especially if you are a beginner. You can also prepare handouts for your presentation and distribute them…

Self-development | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Self-development | A Presentation in English Self-development | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Arash Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: How can you become a better person? To what extent do you try to become a better person? Do you think it is possible to become a…

Branding | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Branding | A Presentation in English Branding | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Sasan Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: Why do people have a great tendency to purchase special brands? How can we make a brand famous? What do people feel when they wear expensive clothes?…

Insurance | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Insurance | A Presentation in English Insurance | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Fatemeh Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: What is meant by insuring yourself or your properties? Why should people insure themselves and their properties? What is its significance in the society? Discuss the 3…

Life Expectancy | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Life Expectancy | A Presentation in English Life Expectancy | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Sasan Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: How much do you care about your longevity? Which country has the highest rate of life span among its citizens? What is the function of…

Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Arash Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: Have you ever given a lecture before a large audience? What kind of sentences are you supposed to use so that your attendees could communicate…

Self-healing | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Self-healing | A Presentation in English Self-healing | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Sasan Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: Explain about some limitations to healing humans’ bodies. What is lizards’ superiority over humans’ when it comes in repairing their bodies? Why do some genetic engineers keep…

Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Lecturer: Arash Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: How much do you pay attention to the use of body language in your interaction with others? What is chronemics, and what does it include?…