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Replete 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1

Replete 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1

Replete 1100 Words You Need Replete 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈpliːt/ (adj) full, especially with food, well-supplied, steeped in, immersed in, abounding, rife, fraught, filled, stuffed, saturated, brimming: After two helpings of dessert, Sergio was at last replete. This car has an engine replete with the latest technology. Fre: remplie Fa: پر، سرشار

Perfunctory GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Perfunctory

perfunctory LELB Society

Perfunctory GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Perfunctory GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /pəˈfʌŋk.tər.i/ US /pɚˈfʌŋk.tɚ.i/ (adj) done quickly, without taking care or interest, unthinking, automatic, hasty, superficial, quick, fleeting, hurried, passing, rapid, brief, mechanical, apathetic, cursory: His smile was perfunctory. Antonym: thoughtful, thorough Fre: sommaire Fa: سرسری

Furtive 1100 Words You Need Week 2 Day 2

Furtive 1100 Words You Need

Furtive 1100 Words You Need Furtive 1100 Words You Need /ˈfɜː.tɪv/ US /ˈfɝː.ţɪv/ (adj) done in a secretive and stealthy way, stealthy, secret, sly, clandestine, hidden, disguised, surreptitious, shifty, secretive: He took a furtive look at her while she was having lunch. Fre: furtive Fa: دزدکی

Languid – English Flashcard for Languid with Synonyms

Languid - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Languid Languid /ˈlæŋ.gwɪd/ (adj) lacking enough energy, sluggish, phlegmatic, idle, lethargic, unhurried, relaxed, lax, leisurely, droopy, slothful: John responded to our call languidly after he had received some anesthetic drug. My father frowns upon languid people, and so do I.

Irascible GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Irascible

irascible LELB Society

Irascible GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Irascible GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪˈræs.ə.bļ/ (adj) made angry easily, irritable, fractious, touchy, testy, petulant, grumpy, snappish, hot-tempered, snappy, short-tempered, ornery, quick-tempered: He’s becoming more and more irascible as he grows older. Fre: irascible Fa: زودرنج، سودایی

Jettison GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Jettison

jettison LELB Society

Jettison GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Jettison GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈdʒet.ɪ.sən/ US /ˈdʒeţ-/ (verb) to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed, throw away, throw out, abandon, discard, dump, eject, expel: The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts. We’ve had to jettison our holiday plans because of David’s accident. Fre: abandonner Fa: بیرون…

Sinecure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Sinecure

sinecure LELB Society

Sinecure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Sinecure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈsɪn.ɪ.kjʊəʳ/ US /ˈsaɪ.nə.kjʊr/ (noun) a position which involves little work, but for which the person is paid, cushy number, easy ride, plum job, soft option: The job that he has is just a sinecure. He is overpaid and reaps so many advantages. Antonym: drudgery Fre: sinécure Fa:…

Effigy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Effigy

effigy LELB Society

Effigy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Effigy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈef.ɪ.dʒi/ (noun) a model or other object which represents someone, especially one of a hated person which is hung or burnt in a public place, statue, image, dummy, figurine, carving, representation, figure, likeness: Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president. Fre: effigie Fa:…

Fractious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Fractious

fractious LELB Society

Fractious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Fractious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈfræk.ʃəs/ (adj) easily upset or annoyed, and tending to complain, irritable, peevish, restless, complaining, touchy, testy, grumpy: a fractious child Fre: hargneuse Fa: شکننده
