Vehemently – English Flashcard for Vehemently for IELTS

Vehemently - English Flashcard for Vehemently - LELB Society

Vehemently Vehemently (adv) /ˈviː.ə.mə in a strong and emotional manner – severely – fervidly – fervently – passionately – violently – intensely: The company manager vehemently opposed negotiating any contract with that infamous enterprise.

Epitome – English Flashcard for Epitome for IELTS

Epitome - English Flashcard for Epitome - LELB Society

Epitome Epitome (noun) /ɪˈpɪt.ə.mi/ the best typical or representative example of something – embodiment – personification – essence – archetype: Considering his malevolence and tyranny, I can conclude that he’s the very epitome of evil.

Grotesque – English Flashcard for Grotesque for IELTS

Grotesque - English Flashcard for Grotesque - LELB Society

Grotesque Grotesque (adj & noun) /grəʊˈtesk/ incongruous and ludicrous with a strange shape – distorted – monstrous – misshapen – bizarre – weird – ridiculous – deformed – outrageous: After the cosmetic surgery, the appearance of his grotesque face was improved tremendously.

Torpid – English Flashcard for Torpid with Synonyms

Torpid - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Torpid Torpid /ˈtɔː.pɪd/ (adj) lacking physical or mental energy, sluggish, lazy, languid, sleepy, dreamy, apathetic, stagnant, lethargic: Everyone has a torpid mind when they stay within their comfort zone. The moribund organization is recognizable by its torpid employees. Torpid people who act as a brake on any collaborative effort make me a nervous wreck. Antonyms: energetic, vivacious Noun: torpor: stupor,…

Sluggish – English Flashcard for Sluggish for IELTS

sluggish LELB Society

Sluggish Sluggish (adj) /ˈslʌg.ɪʃ/ moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power, lethargic, slow, inactive, lifeless, slothful: The company performance is sluggish and inefficient this year because of bad financial conditions. The football player seems sluggish after being rehabilitated from his injured leg. Needless to say, sluggish people have a marked tendency for procrastination. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish…

Slothful – English Flashcard for Slothful with Synonyms

Slothful - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Slothful Slothful /ˈsləʊθ.fəl/ (adj) disliking any form of physical exertion, lazy, indolent, lethargic, phlegmatic, lifeless, slow, idle, sluggish, inactive, apathetic, languid: She wakes up her slothful son to walk. Slothful people usually tend to pick sedentary jobs. A well-earned rest is a sheer pleasure that cannot be witnessed by slothful people.

Phlegmatic – English Flashcard for Phlegmatic for IELTS

phlegmatic LELB Society

Phlegmatic Phlegmatic: Adjective /flegˈmæt.ɪk/ describes someone who tends not to get emotional or excited about things, lethargic, tired, weary, My boss is such a phlegmatic person that any attempt to impress him seems trivial in his eyes. As a footballer his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner. Antonym: nervous Adverb: phlegmatically

Lethargic – English Flashcard for Lethargic with Synonyms

lethargic LELB Society

Lethargic Lethargic: Adjective /ləˈθɑː.dʒɪk/ lacking in energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything, tired, phlegmatic, sluggish, weary, lackluster, languid, indolent, exhausted, lifeless: The obese teenager seems lethargic after eating so much food due to his voracious appetite. Afternoon is the time when everybody tends to be lethargic. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean to be lethargic. You should have stopped being lethargic because being lethargic is a harbinger of failure. She…