Circumlocution Definition in Context with Images

Circumlocution definition in real context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student.

/ˌsɜː.kəm.ləˈkjuː.ʃən/ (noun)

Circumlocution definition

an indirect or implicit way of saying something, periphrasis, euphemism, indirectness in speech, obliqueness in conversation, roundaboutness in speaking, beating around the bush

Video of circumlocution

Circumlocution in context

Circumlocution is a way to describe a word when you do not know it or can’t remember it. You can use circumlocution during a conversation. You do this by using other words to explain the word you do not know.

For example, if I do not know the word pillow, I could say it is something soft that you put your head on when you are sleeping.

Circumlocution is an excellent skill to develop and can lead to improved speaking skills and increased confidence. You can erase your worries about not knowing certain words if you can master this skill. Use the words you know. You’ll be speaking more in no time!

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Parts of speech

Adjective: circumlocutory

Adjective: circumlocutive

Adverb: circumlocutorily

Verb: circumlocute

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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