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Ersatz GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Ersatz GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ˈeə.zæts/ (adj)


made or used instead of something else which is more expensive, fake and artificial, simulated, synthetic, substitute, bogus, imitation, dummy, pseudo, false, counterfeit, spurious, sham


If you are shopping online, one easy way to counter the purchase of fake and ersatz items is to check the authenticity of websites. If the site is fake, so are the products. Confirm the URL and ensure that the site is safe by looking for ‘https’ (instead of http) and the lock sign. You can also verify the site’s authenticity by pasting the website address on www.scamadviser.com and http://whois. domaintools.com/. These let you know whether it’s a reliable site.

Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/


genuine, original

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